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Master-slave communication protocol

byte buffer[]: received data

Buffer structure

buffer[0]: command
buffer[1]: length of data
buffer[2..length+2] data

Protocol Commands


00: status request
   length = 0
   no data

01: relay close request
   length = 0
   no data

02: relay open request
   length = 0
   no data


80: status reply
   length = 4
   data[0]#7: relay status (1: closed, 0: open)
   data[0]#6: reserved
   data[0]#5: reserved
   data[0]#4: reserved
   data[0]#3: reserved
   data[0]#2: reserved
   data[0]#1: reserved
   data[0]#0: sign of temperature
   data[1]: temperature (in 1/2 degrees)
   data[2]: current, MSB 
   data[3]: current, LSB (in mA)

FF: error reply
  length = 1
  data[0]: faulty command number