Microblogi: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7. kes klo 22:52] [V]

Sunnuntai, 27. marraskuuta 2022

Cannelle 2

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Ruoka/Jäätelö ]

Variante de la précédente, avec 1,5 c. à café de cannelle de Ceylan et 1/4 c. à café d'extrait de vanille.

[ Postattu 27. marraskuuta 2022 klo 12.22 | ei kommenttia | ]

Pentrich Brewing Days Replace Days

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Olut ]


“El Dorado, Simcoe and Idaho 7 hops”

Very flowery, tastes of exotic fruitss, a bit sweet and bitter at the same time.

Pentrich Brewing Co., Pentrich, Derbyshire, England. 6.5% alcohol.

[ Postattu 27. marraskuuta 2022 klo 11.14 | ei kommenttia | ]

Torstai, 24. marraskuuta 2022

Chocolat 1

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Ruoka/Jäätelö ]

Une glace au chocolat, similaire à celle au gianduja, mais sans noisette.


  • 2 ½ufs
  • 42 g sucre
  • 9 g glucose
  • 42 g sirop de glucose
  • 265 g lait entier
  • 42 g lait en poudre écrémé
  • 60 g cacao (Barry Plein Arôme)


Dans un bol, mélanger le sucre, le glucose et le cacao. Casser les ½ufs dans une casserole et fouetter en ajoutant le mélange peu à peu. Ajouter 65 g de lait pour fluidifier, puis le sirop de glucose et le lait en poudre. Fouetter encore avant d'ajouter le restant du lait et de fouetter. Chauffer tout en remuant continuellement. Arrêter lorsque la température atteint 81 °C. Laisser refroidir 24h. Passer à la sorbetière.


Lors de la cuisson, une partie du mélange s'est amalgamée et s'est collée sur la spatule. La température n'était pas homogène (elle sautait de 76 à brusquement 86 °C puis retournait à 76 °C). Une fois refroidie, la préparation contenait des morceaux qui se sont probablement mélangés dans la sorbetière, mais elle était tellement épaisse que la rotation s'est arrêtée après 5 minutes. La glace est très dense, mais on ne remarque cependant aucun cristal de glace en bouche. Le goût est bon, très chocolaté, peut-être qu'on pourrait l'améliorer avec un peu de vanille.

[ Postattu 24. marraskuuta 2022 klo 08.26 | 1 kommentti | ]

Sunnuntai, 20. marraskuuta 2022

The Big Lebowski

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ TV/Elokuvat ]



Jeffrey “The Dude” Lewbowski, a slacker living in Los Angeles, is mistakenly assaulted in his home by two men who want to recover money owed by the millionaire Jeffrey Lebowski's trophy wife, Bunny. One of the men urinates on the Dude's carpet before leaving. Following his dubious bowling partner Walter's advice, the Dude meets with the millionaire and swindles a carpet from his home. The millionaire later contacts the Dude and ask him to be ready to deliver a suitcase containing one million dollars as a ransom to save Bunny. The same evening he is attacked by two thugs sent by Maud, the millionaire's daughter who wants to get the carpet (her favourite) back. The next day, the delivery of the ransom fails due to Walter's interference, and soon after the Dude's car containing the suitcase is then stolen outside the bowling alley. The millionaire then confronts the Dude and shows him a severed toe, supposedly Bunny's. Maud then asks the Dude to help recover the money which her father illegally withdrew from the family's foundation. The Dude is then abducted by Jackie Treehorn, Bunny's creditor, who demands to know where Bunny (and his money) are. The Dude explains that Bunnny faked her abduction and that the money is with the teenager who stole the Dude's care. The Dude then notices he's been drugged, and is left outside on the streets of Malibu where he is threatened by the chief of police. Back home, he finds Maud who has sex with him because she wants a child whose father would not matter. She also reveals that the millionaire has no money of his own, it all came from Maud's mother. The Dude and Walter confront the millionaire and discover that Bunny has returned, having simply gone out of town without telling anyone. Bunny's nihilist friend has used the opportunity to extract money from her husband, who in turn has tried to embezzle money from the foundation and blame its disappearance on the kidnappers; there never was any money in the suitcase. Later outside the bowling alley, the Dude and his friends are attacked by the nihilists which are quickly defeated, but their third friend Donny dies from a heart attack. The Dude and Walter scatter his ashes, and then go back bowling.

[ Postattu 20. marraskuuta 2022 klo 10.57 | ei kommenttia | ]

Torstai, 17. marraskuuta 2022

Cocotella 2

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Ruoka/Jäätelö ]

Comme la stracciatella, mais à la noix de coco. Version corrigée de la précédente qui contenait plus de sucre que ce que j'aurais voulu.


  • 2 ½ufs
  • 400 mL lait de coco (18 % de matières grasses)
  • 50 g sucre
  • 25 g glucose
  • 25 g fructose
  • 25 g chocolat noir


Mélanger les sucres. Fouetter les ½ufs entiers avec le mélange de sucres. Ajouter le lait de coco. Chauffer tout en remuant continuellement. Arrêter lorsque la température atteint 81 °C. Laisser refroidir au moins 12h. Passer à la sorbetière. Peu avant la fin, ajouter le chocolat fondu.


J'ai encore une fois utilisé la glace Vanille 1 Kaveri comme référence (18,3 % de sucres), mais l'optimiseur n'a pas réussi à faire moins de 18,7 %. La glace contient en revanche 15,7 % de graisses, dont 13 % de graisses saturées à cause du lait de coco qui est nettement plus gras que le lait de vache.

Après 8 heures au congélateur, on remarque des cristaux de glace. Il faudra essayer d'ajouter du sirop de glucose à la recette et voir si ça fait une différence.

[ Postattu 17. marraskuuta 2022 klo 16.37 | 1 kommentti | ]

Sunnuntai, 13. marraskuuta 2022

Hiisi Jänkäkoira

Kategoriat: [ Olut/Hiisi ]


Vähän kukkainen tuoksu, mutta en tykkää tämän oluen mausta. Sisältää ohramallasta.

Panimoyhtiö Hiisi, Jyväskylä, Suomi. 3.5% alkoholia.

[ Postattu 13. marraskuuta 2022 klo 21.48 | ei kommenttia | ]

Lauantai, 12. marraskuuta 2022

Gianduja chocolat

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Ruoka/Jäätelö ]

Une glace dérivée de Gianduja 5 mais avec du chocolat à la place du cacao.


  • 2 ½ufs (100 g)
  • 30 g sucre
  • 9 g glucose
  • 42 g sirop de glucose
  • 42 g lait en poudre écrémé
  • 265 g lait entier
  • 1/4 c. à café extrait de vanille
  • 30 g purée de noisettes grillées (Rapunzel)
  • 40 g chocolat noir 70 % cacao


Dans la casserole, fouetter les ½ufs entier avec les sucres. Ajouter le sirop de glucose, puis le lait en poudre tout en fouettant. Ajouter le lait et l'extrait de vanille et fouetter encore. Chauffer tout en remuant continuellement. Arrêter lorsque la température atteint 81 °C. Dans un bol en verre faire fondre le chocolat 2 min au micro-ondes (700 W). Y ajouter la purée de noisettes, puis délayer peu à peu avec la crème. Laisser refroidir 24h. Passer à la sorbetière.


Le goût est un peu différent de la version avec du cacao en poudre, peut-être un peu plus acide ?

[ Postattu 12. marraskuuta 2022 klo 22.26 | ei kommenttia | ]

Vanille 1 kaveri v3

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Ruoka/Jäätelö ]

Même recette que précédemment, mais avec 1 g de mélange alginate de sodium et κ-carraghénane (ratio 9:1).

La glace est peut-être un peu plus onctueuse en bouche.

[ Postattu 12. marraskuuta 2022 klo 22.18 | ei kommenttia | ]

Lauantai, 5. marraskuuta 2022


Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Ruoka/Jäätelö ]

Même recette que la vanille 1 kaveri v2 où l'extrait de vanille est remplacé par 1 c. à café de cannelle de Ceylan.

[ Postattu 5. marraskuuta 2022 klo 23.26 | 1 kommentti | ]

Avaruusasema Ithal

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat ]

ISBN: 9789518777468

Tarinan kertoja herää aamulla. Hän työskentelee pienen miehistön kanssa avaruusasemalla, joka kiertää Ithal-planeettaa. Työkaveri Tarskin kanssa he menevät planeetan pinnalle, ja kun Tarski on mennyt tutkimaan erästä luolaa, jotain yllättävä tapahtuu: yhtäkkiä Tarski ilmestyy toiseen paikkaan. Kun he ovat takaisin avaruusasemalla, kertoja menee lääkärille, joka sanoo että hän on kunnossa, mutta hän epäilee että lääkäri valehtelee. Lopuksi hän on varma, että Tarski ei ole ihminen. Sitten hän kutsuu koko miehistön päähuoneeseen ja uhkaa tuhota avaruusaseman, jos kapteeni ei vangitse Tarskia. Sitten kapteeni sanoo, että robotin tekoälyssä on virhe, ja että parin viimeisen päivän muistot on pyyhettävä pois. Tarinan kertoja, robotti, jonka nimi on Rurik, herää seuravana aamuna.

[ Postattu 5. marraskuuta 2022 klo 18.36 | ei kommenttia | ]

The Redemption of Althalus

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat ]

ISBN: 9780006514831

© Amazon.fr

Althalus is a thief that has been very lucky for a long time and suddenly starts to run out of it. When he hears of Gosti, the richest man in the world, Althalus invites himself to spend the winter at Gosti's fort, entertains him with his fantastic stories, and robs his strongroom in spring before disappearing, only to discover that Gosti has no gold, only copper coins and a made-up reputation. Althalus then hides at his friend Nabjor's camp where he meets Ghend, a strange man who hires him to steal a book located at the House at the End of the World. After a journey northward, Althalus enters the house but is prevented to steal the book by a talking black cat. Althalus and the cat, that he names Emerald (or Emmy, or Em) reveals herself to be Dweia, the goddess sister to Deiwos, creator of the world, and to Daeva the destroyer. For twenty five centuries, Emmy teaches Althalus to read and use the book (of Deiwos) to learn magic. She also reveals that Ghend is an agent of Daeva, who wants to become the ruler of the world. They then leave the house together to first find the Knife that Althalus must use to gather a team of people that will fight Ghend's team. The Knife was in the possession of Eliar, a young Arum mercenary who was made prisoner by the people of Osthos after the defeat of his army. Andine, who has succeeded to her father killed by Eliar is now in possession of the Knife. Following Emmy's instruction, Althalus acquires an almost infinite amount of gold from a forgotten vault in a forgotten city. They then use the gold to buy Eliar and his comrades, who had become slaves, and then free all the men except Eliar, who agrees to join Althalus and the cat. Emmy tells Eliar they must go to Awes and show the Knife to all the priests they encounter, and the Knife will sing when they find the one they are looking for. This is how they meet Bheid, who joins the group. Emmy then reads the markings on the Knife, which tells her they must go back to Osthos and show the Knife to Andine. They kidnap her, and when she is shown the Knife, she agrees, reluctantly, to join them. The Knife then leads them to Hule where they recruit a young boy named Gher, before going to Kweron to save a young woman named Leitha from being burnt at the stake by a crooked priest; Leitha, who can read other people's thoughts, becomes the last member of the group. They all travel back to the House at the End of the World where Emmy reveals herself as Dweia and explains that they have to fight Ghend's own group, who it working for Daeva. They first recruit all the Arum mercenaries, lead by Albron, to fight Ghend's minion Gelta's archaic troops from the past, using the House's magical doors to move soldiers quickly from one place to the next. They then reform the various orders of priests by putting Bheid at the head of a new order, with the purpose to neutralize the revolution fomented by Argan and Koman among the peasants who are exploited by the nobles and the priests. Gher, who always comes up with the most ingenious ideas and ways to use the doors of the House, hatches a plan to steal the book of Daeva, in the possession of Ghend: Althalus and him will go back in the time of Gosti's fort, invite Ghend and Khnom to join them in their heist, and use that opportunity to replace Ghend's book with a copy. The plan succeeds, and Althalus relives his past adventures at Gosti's fort and Nabjor's camp with a few improvements. This time accompanied by Gher, he arrive at the House at the same time as first time. Dweia then joins the two books plus her own (the Knife); having left a special door open, Ghend enters the house and faces Althalus who gives him the choice to surrender. As Ghend refuses, he is lured with Daeva's book into a door to “nowhere and nowhen”. In the end, Dweia also performs the weddings of Eliar and Andine, and of Bheid and Leitha. Gher goes to live with Albron who has married Eliar's widowed mother. Finally, Dweia announces to Althalus that she is pregnant with his child.

[ Postattu 5. marraskuuta 2022 klo 17.55 | ei kommenttia | ]