Microblogi: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7. kes klo 22:52] [V]

Sunnuntai, 31. joulukuuta 2023

The Big Over Easy

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat ]

ISBN: 9780340897102

© Amazon.fr

In a world where police detectives are ranked based on whether their investigation makes a good story, DI Jack Spratt works in Reading at the Nursery Crime Division. It threatens to be closed because, unless his famous rival Chymes, Spratt does not try to embellish his investigations, which don't make good stories. Spratt is tasked to investigate the death of Humpty Dumpty. The latter is known to have been involved in shady business, making money quickly and loosing it equally quickly, but apparently always with a noble purpose. Before his death, he bought a large number of shares of the once-flourishing Spongg Footcare company and pledged to make a huge donation to the St Cerebellum psychiatric hospital where he had been a patient for forty years. Forensic analysis then reveals that Humpty has been shot. Several people of interest are found dead during the investigation: a neighbour who may have seen the shooter, a man who had stolen the golden egg goose and murdered the woodcutter owning it (an case for which Chymes completely made up the investigation a year earlier) who was killed a year earlier by Humpty's ex-wife who thought she was killing Humpty, said ex-wife who then committed suicide, an ex-professor from the Foot Museum who had stolen the world's largest verruca in order to make a super verruca virus at the same time as its cure. The evidence leads to Spongg who would benefit from the epidemic by selling the cure and who plans to remarry Lola Vavoom, Humpty's wife since two weeks before his death and who inherits Humpty's shares of Speongg Footcare. A late forensic analysis shows that Humpty, basically a giant egg, had however been fertilized by Dr Quatt, a mad scientists working at St Cerebellum. The egg hatched just as Humpty was shot, freeing a killer dinosaur genetically created by Dr Spatt, St Cerebellum's resident mad scientist, in order to exact vengeance on the Jellyman, a mystical political leader who is in Reading for a ceremony in a place where people have to be barefoot (where the virus would have started the epidemic). Jack fights but fails to catch Spongg at his surrealistic mansion before finally fighting the monster at his mother's house where a giant beanstalk happens to be growing.

[ Postattu 31. joulukuuta 2023 klo 18.50 | ei kommenttia | ]

Maanantai, 25. joulukuuta 2023

Le centile d'or

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat/Sarjakuvat/Largo Winch ]

ISBN: 9791034767823

Largo et Jarod Manskind parviennent à rentrer sain et sauf sur Terre. Simon parvient à trouver des documents indiquant que les parts de la mine d'étain ont été rachetées par le groupe de Manskind et qu'un détail légal lui permettrait d'en prendre possession. Jarod préside ensuite une réunion des 100 personnes les plus riches du monde pour leur demander de donner chacune un milliard pour coloniser Mars, mais il se fait assassiner par les mêmes tueurs qui avaient saboté son avion spatial. Largo parvient à arrêter leur chef qui révèle avoir été payé par la femme de Jarod. Lorsque Largo l'interroge, elle avoue que le groupe qu'elle dirige dans l'ombre est criblé de dettes et qu'elle voulait se débarrasser de lui.

[ Postattu 25. joulukuuta 2023 klo 22.01 | ei kommenttia | ]

Jour de terreur

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat/Sarjakuvat/Golden City ]

ISBN: 9782413048077

© Amazon.fr

Une entité extra-terrestre fonce sur Golden City juste avant de s'arrêter. Ressemblant à un astéroïde, elle est transportée à l'intérieur pour être étudiée mais s'échappe et se cache. Pendant ce temps, le pilote de la ville allume les moteurs et la dirige sans permission vers la Terre. Cela cause une panique et le chaos dans la cité. Cette dernière finit par amerrir en causant un tsunami, tandis que l'entité s'échappe par une voie d'eau causée par l'accident.

[ Postattu 25. joulukuuta 2023 klo 21.38 | ei kommenttia | ]

La ballade de la mer qui mouille

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat/Sarjakuvat/Troy ]

ISBN: 9782302093683

© Amazon.fr

Pröfy retombe en enfance après s'être fait mordre par une bête et le pouvoir aléatoire de Waha l'échange avec Pikäl, un troll des îles. Ce dernier les accompagne vers son île en empruntant successivement plusieurs navires et en suivant les indication du capitaine pirate qu'il s'apprêtait à manger. Pröfy se fait cependant enlever, avec toutes la tribu de Pikäl, par des chasseurs de trolls qui les emmènent sur l'île de Chelonia, justement là où Waha s'arrête pour prendre des provisions. Elle retrouve Pröfy sur un marché aux trolls esclaves, massacre tour le monde avant que le guérisseur de la tribu de Pikäl ne soigne Pröfy en lui tapant sur la tête avec un fruit magique, une noix de coco.

[ Postattu 25. joulukuuta 2023 klo 21.32 | ei kommenttia | ]

L'iris blanc

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat/Sarjakuvat/Asterix ]

ISBN: 9782014001334

© Amazon.fr

César envoie son médecin Vicévertus enseigner la pensée positive aux légionnaires entourant le petit village gaulois afin de leur redonner leur combattivité. Il fait de même dand le village, otant la combattivité des habitants. Vicévertus veut offrir Bonemine en cadeau à César et la convainc de quitter Abraracourcix pour se rendre avec lui à Lutèce. Astérix et Obélix accompagnent leur chef, déprimé, à Lutèce et finissent par retrouver Bonemine au théâtre et à la ramener au village.

[ Postattu 25. joulukuuta 2023 klo 21.15 | ei kommenttia | ]

Sunnuntai, 24. joulukuuta 2023

Le dernier des Cliftons

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat/Sarjakuvat/Clifton ]

ISBN: 9782808211468

© Amazon.fr

Un oncle de Clifton, chasseur en Afrique, est assassiné. Peu après, le père de Clifton est abattu dans la maison du détective, disant à son fils avant de mourir d'aller parler à son notaire. Ce dernier révèle l'existence d'un ancien pacte signé par un ancêtre de Clifton qui permet au comté de Puddington de devenir français à la mort du dernier Clifton. Et Napoléon XI cherche justement à les éliminer. L'autre oncle de Clifton est tué par une urne funéraire piégée après l'enterrement du père, mais le notaire et Miss Partridge finissent par éliminer Napoléon en lui tirant dessus avec le char d'assaut du père (une disposition du testament exige la présence du blindé à l'enterrement). Finalement, pour éviter au comté de devenir français, tous les amis de Clifton changent de nom pour devenir des Cliftons.

[ Postattu 24. joulukuuta 2023 klo 19.22 | ei kommenttia | ]

Penric's Labors

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat/World of the 5 Gods ]

Masquerade in Lodi

ISBN: 9781982193034

© Amazon.fr

In Lodi on the eve of the Bastard's Day, Penric is asked to check if a madman who had just been saved from the sea by fishermen. The man is confused because he got a demon from a dying dolphin. Soon after Penric makes his diagnostic, the man flees the hospital and hides in the city. Penric seeks the help from Chio, the local saint, a young woman living in an orphanage, the only kind of person who can free the man from its demon. They manage to identify the man as Ree, the son of a local merchant who was at sea with his cousin Merin. They eventually find Ree hiding in a warehouse, fighting Merin who is trying to kill him. After Penric has immobilized the two men and Chio has returned the demon to its god, Ree reveals that Merin had thrown him overboard because he suspected him of stealing.

The Orphans of Raspay

On his way back home to Orbas, Penric's ship is boarded by pirates and he is taken prisoner. He befriends two orphan children who also are prisoner. On the island of Lantihera, controlled by pirates and slavers, Penric manages to keep the two children safe, and takes them with him when he escapes. He first rescues the sailors from his ship form the jail where they were waiting to be sold as slaves, but afraid of the sorcerer, they flee the island without him. Penric then wreaks havoc in the harbour, sinking ships and burning buildings, but with little chance of finding a ship on which to flee. He and the two children are then saved in the nick of time by his brother-in-law Adelis who was sent with a fleet to put a stop to the pirates' activities. Penric then goes back home with the children and places them as apprentices in a house of his order.

The Physicians of Vilnoc

Adelis asks Penric to investigate a mysterious disease that is killing a lot of his soldiers. Penric can use his magic to help the sick get step-by-step better, but the situation becomes desperate as the number of sick people increases and the mode of contagion cannot be determined (a wild experiment conducted by the only remaining army physician on himself proves it's not transmitted by the fleas on the rats). Penric also sends letters asking neighbouring cities to send sorcerers, but they remain unanswered. From a nearby camp of Rusylli prisoners he learns the name of the disease to be the blue witch. The arrival of Dubro, a inexperienced b fast-learning sorcerer, provides help, but as Adelis comes back from an expedition the number of sick soldiers increases again. During a desperate prayer to the Bastard, Penric is bitten by a blue fly. He also discovers that the army parks just outside the garrison sick and dying horses that suffer from the same disease. He then understand that all horses must be screened and the sick ones must be killed and burnt. This action and the sorcerers killing as many flies as they can allows to stop the epidemic and for Penric to go back home.

[ Postattu 24. joulukuuta 2023 klo 19.08 | ei kommenttia | ]

Maanantai, 18. joulukuuta 2023


Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ TV/Elokuvat ]



Leto Atreides is ordered by the Emperor to take control of the planet Arrakis from which the Harkonnen have been asked to leave. When the Atreides household arrives on Arrakis, they find that before leaving, the Harkonnen have sabotaged most of the equipment used for harvesting the spice from the desert. Atreides also attempts to make peace with the Fremen, who inhabit the planet since before the spice was discovered and started to play an important role in interstellar navigation. The Fremen, dominated by the Harkonnen, also believe that Leto's son Paul is the Mahdi who is prophesied to come some day and lead the Fremen. The emperor's purpose in ordering the Atreides to Arrakis is actually to trigger a war between them and the Harkonnen in order to get rid of two Great Houses that would threaten his authority. Paul also happens to be the result of centuries of genetic selection by the Bene Gesserit, a secretive sisterhood to whom his mother Jessica belongs and who aims to create a being who will guide humanity to a better future. When the Harkonnen attack the Atreides, Leto and most of his household are killed; Paul and Jessica escape, eventually find the Stilgar tribe of Fremen about whom Paul has had recurrent dreams.

[ Postattu 18. joulukuuta 2023 klo 15.31 | ei kommenttia | ]

In Bruges

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ TV/Elokuvat ]



After accidentally killing a child, Rookie hitman Ray is sent to Bruges with his mentor Ken to hide while waiting for instructions from their boss Harry. The latter orders Ken to kill Ray, as he cannot condone hitmen killing children. Ken is about to reluctantly carry the order, but instead prevents Ray from committing suicide and puts him on a train, telling him to disappear. When Ken tells Harry, the latter comes to Bruges to deal punish Ken. Meanwhile Ray is arrested by the police on the train for having hit a customer at the restaurant where he was having dinner with Chloë, a local drug dealer he had met a few days earlier while assisting to the filming of a film on the street. Chloë bails Ray out of prison and as they have a drink outside a café they are noticed by Chloë's ex-boyfriend, an accomplice of Harry who immediately notifies his boss. The latter happens to be at the top of the belfry tower near the café. Harry shoots Ken in the leg as a punishment, but Ken gets more seriously wounded as he attempts to stop Harry from going after Ray. As Harry runs down the stairs, Ken goes up and jumps from the tower. He is noticed by Ray and manages to tell him about Harry before dying. Ray runs away, chased throughout the city by Harry who eventually shoots him on a square where the same film is being filmed. Harry accidentally kills a dwarf, playing the role of a child in the film. Believing he has killed a child, he kills himself.

[ Postattu 18. joulukuuta 2023 klo 15.07 | ei kommenttia | ]

Sunnuntai, 17. joulukuuta 2023

Hiisi 10.v Tuff

Kategoriat: [ Olut/Hiisi ]


“sitrushedelmäistä Citra, Nelson Sauvin sekä Sorachi Ace.”

Sitrus hedelmän ja männyn makuinen. Aika hyvää. Sisältää ohramallasta ja vehnämallasta.

Panimoyhtiö Hiisi, Jyväskylä, Suomi. 5.5% alkoholia.

[ Postattu 17. joulukuuta 2023 klo 12.21 | ei kommenttia | ]

Tiistai, 12. joulukuuta 2023

Penric's Travels

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat/World of the 5 Gods ]

Penric's Mission

Penric is on a diplomatic mission to Patos to contact General Adelis Arisaydia who seems to want to defect to Adria. Upon arrival he is arrested as a spy and left to drown in an underground cell. After escaping, he discovers that the general has been blinded on orders of the emperor of Patos who fears he would try and seize power for himself. The Arisaydia is under the care of his sister Nikys and Penric, feeling guilty of having provided the emperor with an excuse to attack his rival, presents himself to Nikys as a physician and over the course of a week manages to repair his eyes, secretly using sorcery. When the emperor's men come to ensure Arisaydia has indeed become harmless they find out he can actually see and attack him. Penric neutralizes them and takes the general and is sister with him away from the city. Penric wants to take them to Adria, but the general believes that Orbas is easier and safer. They flee for a couple of days, until the emperor's men catch up with them, accompanied by another sorcerer. Penric fights him and wins, killing or chasing away the rest of the soldiers.

Mira's Last Dance

Penric, Arisaydia and Nikys are still fleeing from Patos and find refuge at a bordello in Sosie. In exchange for food and shelter, Penric rids the place and the customers of the lice and other parasites and even treats the owner's breast cancer. Easily recognizable, Penric decides to disguise himself as Mira, the fifth rider of his demon and a rich and independent woman, eccentric enough to be accompanied by two masked servants, Adelis and Nikys. To test his Mira persona, Penric mingles among the customers and catches the eye of General Chadro who insists on spending the night with Mira. Mira's personality convinces Penric that Chadro could provide the money they need to continue their travels towards Orbas, so she takes over, promising Penric he would not even need to take his clothes off. Nikys, who has started to get attracted to Penric notices that if she marries him she would also marry Desdemona and all the past personalities, which puts her off. The purse however let them rent a carriage with horses. When they almost reach the border, they are caught up by a group of soldiers, but instead of being arrested, it is Chadro who attempts one last time to convince Mira to marry him. In Orbas, they are welcomed by the duke who hires all three of them. Some weeks later, as Adelis already left to fight for the duke, Penric proposes to Nikys but she refuses as she does not want to have to share Penric with all the other personalities.

The Prisoner of Limnos

In Orbas, Nikys receives a coded message from Lady Tanar, the woman in Thasalon Adelis was meant to marry before falling into disgrace. The message informs her that her mother was taken prisoner and sent to the island of Limnos, in a retreat of the Daughter's Order from which she cannot leave. Nikys asks Penric to accompany her to Limnos and free her mother. They first visit Tanar in secret, who welcomes them and agrees to help them. As only women are allowed in the retreat, Tanar and Nikys disguise Penric into a woman. The plan is to find Nikys' mother and exchange her with Penric. The latter will give them the night to escape as far as possible from Limnos before himself escaping, somehow and rejoining them in Akylaxio. They are accompanied by Bosha, Tanar's faithful servant since her childhood. The retreat is an impregnable fortress at the top of a cliff a thousand feet tall. The plan goes well, but in the middle of the night Penric is woken up by a man who entered through the window: Nikys' half-brother Ikos who is a bridge builder and who had also planned to save his mother. Penric and Ikos escape using the latter's rope-and-pulleys contraption. The manage to leave the island on a ship belonging to friends of Ikos' and meet with Nikys and her mother who also managed to reach Akylaxio. As they go through customs, an imperial courier arrives with probably a description of the fugitive. Using his powers, Penric puts a geas on him, making him forget his mission. They then embark on a ship for Orbas. During the trip, Nikys discusses with Desdemona, comes to terms with Penric hosting multiple personalities.

[ Postattu 12. joulukuuta 2023 klo 15.07 | ei kommenttia | ]

The Suicide Squad

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ TV/Elokuvat/DC ]



The suicide squad is sent to the island of Corto Maltese to destroy a secret laboratory housing the Starfish project. Its first task is to rescue Colonel Flag who survived a diversionary attack on the other side of the island. Flag's team has been killed, except Harley Quinn who was made prisoner. The islands new dictator wants to marry Harley, but she kills him when she learns his plans to use Starfish on political dissidents. She escapes and joins the squad just as they mount a rescue mission for her. The squad first finds Thinker, a scientist working at the laboratory who can help them enter the building. They then enter the building and place explosive charges, but they detonate too early, freeing the gigantic starfish-like alien who has been steadily growing there since its capture by American astronauts decades earlier. Flag wants to show proof of the US involvement in the Starfish project that has been using locals as guinea pigs, but he is killed by another member of the squad whose secret mission was to destroy all the evidence. As the creature menaces to destroy the island, the squad decides to go against its orders and to kill the alien with the help of the city's rats, who can be controlled by one of the members of the squad.

[ Postattu 12. joulukuuta 2023 klo 11.23 | ei kommenttia | ]

Sunnuntai, 3. joulukuuta 2023

V for Vendetta

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ TV/Elokuvat ]



In a totalitarian London, Evey is harassed by members of the political police because she's walking outside after curfew. She is saved by a man wearing a Guy Fawkes mask who introducing himself as “V”. V takes Evey to the roof of a building to admire his work: destroying the Old Bailey. The next morning, by hijacking the public television network, V invites the citizens to join him in exactly on year from now, on November 5th, outside the House of Parliament. Evey helps V escape and he takes her to his lair. V kills three members of the ruling political party, the last one with Evey's help, but she betrays him and flees. Finch, a policeman assigned to capture V, discovers that twenty years earlier the murder victims were all working at a secret facility doing research on human beings to create a new virus. Only one human guinea pig developed a natural immunity, allowing to produce a cure, but he escaped the facility during a fire. The virus killed hundred of thousands in what was presumed to be a terrorist attack. The political situation then allowed Sutler, the head of the now ruling party, to seize power and install a dictatorship. Simultaneously, selling the cure enriched some members of the party. Evey takes shelter with her former boss, but his house is attacked because his latest TV show makes fun of Sutler. Evey hides, but is eventually caught, imprisoned and tortured. She refuses to submit to her captors and is then released and discovers she was actually being manipulated by V who was teaching her (the hard way) how not to be afraid anymore. Realizing that V is avenging the death of human guinea pigs, she promises to see him again before November 5th. V then convinces Creedy, head of the secret police, to betray Sutler and replace him in exchange of V's surrender. As November 5th approaches, V distributes hundreds of thousand of Guy Fawkes masks across the country leading to a rise of anonymous chaos and eventually riots. V takes Evey to the restored London underground where a train full of explosives is programmed to go under the House of Parliament and gives her the choice to start the train or not. V then meets Creed who delivers Sutler to him and he kills them both, getting mortally wounded in the process before going and lying down in the train. Finch finds Evey and V's body at that moment, but he allows to start the train. With Sutler and Creedy dead, the soldiers deployed on the street have no order to stop the countless citizens dressed as V as the converge towards Parliament House and witness its destruction.

[ Postattu 3. joulukuuta 2023 klo 17.28 | ei kommenttia | ]

Hiisi Pääpäivä

Kategoriat: [ Olut/Hiisi ]


Aika makea. Siellä on just se maku josta en tykkä, mutta se ei ole niin paha. Sisältää ohramallasta.

Panimoyhtiö Hiisi, Jyväskylä, Suomi. 4.4% alkoholia.

[ Postattu 3. joulukuuta 2023 klo 10.33 | ei kommenttia | ]