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Sunday, February 21st, 2016

Tron: Legacy

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



Sam Flynn, son of Kevin Flynn who had disappeard twenty years earlier, receives a message from his father. Sam finds Kevin's laboratory and is transported into the Grid, into a computer. He is quickly arrestes and condemned to participate in the Games. There he meets Clu, a digital replica of his father, who has taken over the Grid and sent a message to Sam to attract him into the Grid, inducing him to open the portal that would allow Clu to invade the real world. Sam is rescued by Quorra who takes Sam to his father, who lives beyond the Grid. Kevin explains that he creates Clu to build a perfect world, but changed his mind when he discovers the ISOs, native algorithms that are both perfect and chaotic. They were all destroyed by Clu, except Quorra. Understanding the threat posed by Clu, Sam goes back to the Grid to find Zuse who, according to Quorra, can transport him to the portal. Sam is betrayed by Zuse, but saved in the nick of time by Kevin and Quorra. They board a freight train that should take them to the portal, but they are divirted to Clu's lair where his armies are getting ready to invade the world. Sam, Kevin and Quorra fight Clu and eventually Sam and Quorra escape while Kevin stays and destroys Clu and the whole of the grid.

[ Posted on February 21st, 2016 at 15:32 | no comment | ]

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