Sunrise |
Sunset |
Length of the day |
Between sunrise and sunset... |
06:34 |
19:51 |
13:17 |
The sun is visible above the horizon |
Dawn |
Dusk |
Length of the civil day |
During dawn and dusk... |
05:48 |
20:37 |
14:49 |
Outdoor activities are possible, but the sun is not visible |
Nautical dawn |
Nautical dusk |
Length of the nautical day |
During the nautical dawn and dusk... |
04:49 |
21:35 |
16:46 |
One can barely distinguish objects, outdoor activities are impossible |
Astronomical dawn |
Astronomical dusk |
Length of the astronomical day |
During the astronimical dawn and dusk... |
03:38 |
22:44 |
19:06 |
The sky is still lighted by the sun |