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#include "sensor.h"
void Sensor::begin() {
bool Sensor::canRun(uint32_t now) {
if (now > runTime) {
runTime += 500;
return scd30.dataAvailable();
return 0;
void Sensor::run(uint32_t now) {
uint16_t co2;
co2 = scd30.getCO2();
Serial.println(co2, DEC);
if (calibrating) {
// Check whether the measurements have stabilized.
// Sample NB_VALUES, calculate the absolute value of the difference from
// each value to the previous one.
values[value_idx] = co2;
uint16_t diff_abs_errors_sum = 0;
for(uint8_t i=0; i < NB_VALUES-1; i++) {
int16_t d = values[(value_idx + NB_VALUES - i) % NB_VALUES] - values[(value_idx + NB_VALUES - i - 1) % NB_VALUES];
diff_abs_errors_sum += abs(d);
// Calculate the difference between the current sample and NB_VALUES
// samples ago.
int16_t d = values[value_idx] - values[(value_idx + 1) % NB_VALUES];
uint16_t abs_drop = abs(d);
// Ideally, diff_abs_errors_sum should be zero, but we allow each absolute
// difference to be at most 1 (and therefore the sum to be at most NB_VALUES),
// to account for a bit of noise. We also allow the change over the
// sampling period to be at most 1, meaning that the value can oscillate
// betwen N and N+1, which is a stable situation with a bit of noise.
if (abs_drop <= 1 && diff_abs_errors_sum <= NB_VALUES) {
// The measured value has been stable for a while, so we calibrate the sensor
calibrating = false;
for(uint8_t i=0; i < NB_VALUES; i++) values[i] = 0;
value_idx = 0;
else {
value_idx = (value_idx + 1) % NB_VALUES;
else {
// vim:ft=arduino