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Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



Anakin gets a padawan, Ahsoka, assigned to him by Yoda. With Obi-Wan, they have to go and retrieve Jabba the Hutt's son who has been abducted by an unknown party. An alliance with Jabba is of utmost importance, since he controls the routes in the Outer Rim, and therefore decides who will lead the war there. Anakin and Ahsoka lead a commando operation to retrieve the baby Hutt, while Count Dooku makes Jabba believe that the Jedis are the one who abducted his son. Anakin and Asoka manage to escape from the ancient monastery where the baby was held prisoner, while Obi-Wan fights Dooku's assassin who was supposed to retrieve the baby and return it to Jabba in order to prove they are on his side. Meanwhile, Padmé meets Jabba's uncle on Coruscant and discovers that he's an accomplice of Dooku, and had helped him kidnap the baby in exchange for the control of the Hutt clans. Ahsoka and Anakin finally manage to return the son to his father, and the treaty between the Republic and the Hutt is secured.

[ Posted on March 22nd, 2009 at 23:16 | no comment | ]

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