Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Friday, April 28th, 2023

Jäinen lohikäärme

Translation: [ Google ]

Categories: [ Books ]


Vanha nainen käy postitoimistolla. Siellä on uusi kone, jonka avulla voidaan nähdä reaaliaikaisesti koko maailman ihmisten nimet, osoitteet jne. Hän löytää hänen poikansa nimen, joka yhtäkkiä katoaa. Vähän myöhemmin tulee poliisi, joka kertoo, että poika on juuri kuollut.

Jäinen vaeltaja

Eliö, joka oli jäätynyt komeetan sisälle, alkaa kasvaa, kun koomeetta sulaa Auringon lähestyessä. Eliö myös huomaa, kun Maasta tuleva luotain laskeutuu.


Nainen on valittu Yhtiön uudeksi pääjohtajaksi. Hän oli entisen pääjohtajan sihteeri, joka on oikeastaan vuosien ajan johtanut yhtiötä.

Syrjäinen maailma

Mies vastanottaa telepaattisia viestejä avaruuden oliolta.

Ran palvelija

Kloonausteknologialla elvytetään egyptiläinen muumio.

Mies tulevaisuudesta

Mies kosiskelee kertojaa. Hän yllättävästi tietää kaikesta mistä nainen tykkää, ja he lopuksi menevät naimisiin. Yhtenä päivänä mies katoaa; kirjeessä hän selittää, että hän on aikasilmukan vanki ja on mennyt takaisin päivään, jolloin he ensimmäistä kertaa tapasivat.


Kaksi lasta valvoavat yöllä, koska he haluavat nähdä, kun myrskykoneet poistavat lumet kaupungista.


Avaruusaluksia laskeutuu ympäri maailmaa. Pian tämän jälkeen melkein kaikki ihmiset kuolevat. Kertoja on yksi selviytyjistä. Hän tapaa muutaman ihmisen ja yhdessä he yrittävät vastaiskua. He huomaavat, että avaruusalusten lähellä heillä on taikavoimia, joita he oppivat käyttämään hyökkääjiä vastaan.

Jäinen kohtaus

Ihmiset, jotka lähettivät luotaimen komeetan pinnalle, yrittävät ymmärtää, mikä outojen signaalien lähde voisi olla, ja päättelevät, että komeetan sisällä asuu olio.


Kertoja nauhoitti kohtauksen rakastajansa kanssa. Kun rakastaja meni matkalle, kertoja soittaa nauhoituksen suoraan hänen mieleensä.

Universaalinen rakkaus

Kun ydinsota lähestyy maailmaa, avaruusoliot lisäävät ihmisten rakkautta. Tulos on että kaikki ihmiset ovat orgian keskellä, kun automaattiset ohjukset osuvat maahan.


Syntymä, vauvan näkökulmasta.

[ Posted on April 28th, 2023 at 15:12 | no comment | ]

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Tuesday, April 25th, 2023

Detective Pikachu

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



In a secret lab somewhere, Mewtwo escapes. Later, Tim Goodman travels to Ryme City after learning about the death of his father, Harry, a police detective. In the man's apartment, he finds a vial of “R” that seems to make nearby Pokémons aggressive. He also meets a talking Pikachu that only he can understand. Pikachu is amnesiac but believes that Harry is not dead. They meet a Mr. Mime, an informant of Harry, who directs them to an illegal Pokémon battle arena where they learn that the Doctor provides R to the owner of the arena to help him win the fights. When the arena is raided by the police, Tim and Pikachu are introduced to a colleague of Harry's who shows them surveillance footage of the accident showing that Harry could not have survived. The pair is then contacted by Howard Clifford, founder of Ryme City who reveals that Mewtwo abducted Harry and erased Pikachu's memory and that his son Roger is behind the creation of R. Tim and Pikachu then enroll Lucy, a young journalist investigating Harry's disappearance, and they travel to the abandoned genetics lab that Harry was investigating. They are attacked by various modified Pokémons, and an injured Pikachu is eventually healed by Mewtwo. Pikachu recovers parts of his memories, remembers that he had helped Mewtwo and leaves Tim, believing he betrayed Harry. But when he reaches the scene of the accident, Pikachu discovers that it was caused by the augmented Pokémon. Back in Ryme City, Howard Clifford reveals himself as the villain. He disperses R during a parade, which, using the drugged Mewtwo's powers, causes people to merge with their Pokémons. Pikachu arrives and fights Mewtwo, and Tim finally manages to remove Howard's headset that he uses to control Mewtwo, causing people and Pokémons to separate. Mewtwo explains that Harry helped him escape from Howard's lab. After the accident, Mewtwo healed Harry's body while Pikachu had accepted to fuse his man with Harry's to be able to continue the investigation. Mewtwo separates them and Tim reunites with Harry in his human body. Tim decides to stay in Ryme City and to become a detective.

[ Posted on April 25th, 2023 at 17:10 | no comment | ]

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Sunday, April 23rd, 2023

Hiisi Päivä

Translation: [ Google ]

Categories: [ Beer/Hiisi ]


Vähän maltaista, vähän hedelmäistä. Yllättävä hyvää. Sisältää ohramallasta.

Panimoyhtiö Hiisi, Jyväskylä, Suomi. 6.0% alkoholia.

[ Posted on April 23rd, 2023 at 09:54 | no comment | ]

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Thursday, April 20th, 2023


Categories: [ TV/Cinema/DC ]



In 1974, Thaddeus Sivana is transported to a strange cave where a wizard tests whether he has a pure heart. He fails the test. In present-day, Billy Batson repeatedly escapes from foster homes in search for his mother who lost him when he was three. He ends up in a group home where he meets five other kids, including superhero enthusiast Freddy. At the same time, Sivana manages to go back to the cave and gets possessed by the seven deadly Sins when the Eye fuses into his body. The wizard's searching spell then takes Billy to the cave, and the child receives the wizard's powers, transforming him into a adult superhero. With Freddy's help, Billy discovers his many powers and his ability to change forth and back by saying the word “shazam”. At first, Billy uses his powers for vanity, selling selfies with himself to tourists. Sivana then comes and takes Billy and his siblings to the cave to force him to surrender his powers using the wizard's staff. Together, they attack Sivana and Billy notices that the villain becomes vulnerable when all the Sins leave him to take physical form. Billy then uses the staff to share his powers with his siblings, and then breaks it. They escape the cave to a winter carnival where they battle the sins. Billy manages to trick Envy into leaving Sivana's body so that he can get the Eye out of the villain's head and force the Sins back to the cave as statues. The children return to a more or less normal life, and use the cave as their superhero headquarters. In prison, Sivana is approached by a talking caterpillar who proposes an alliance.

[ Posted on April 20th, 2023 at 14:00 | no comment | ]

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Sunday, April 16th, 2023

Wicklow Wolf Arcadia

Categories: [ Beer/Wicklow Wolf ]


“spice… fruit and floral notes…”

More malty than fruity. At first reminded me of champagne (maybe because of the pale colour?). It also has a hint of that lager taste I don't like.

Wicklow Wolf Brewing Co., Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. 4.3% alcohol.

[ Posted on April 16th, 2023 at 12:22 | no comment | ]

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Friday, April 14th, 2023

Foreign Correspondent

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



In 1939, just before World War II, John Jones is sent by his American newspaper to Europe to report on the conditions there. He plans to meet Van Meer, leader of the Universal Peace Party, at an event hosted by Fisher, but the man disappears. Jones then goes to Amsterdam where Van Meer is speaking at another event, but the diplomat is killed in front of Jones. The latter chases the killer in a car driven by Scott ffolliott and his friend Carol Fisher to the countryside but they lose track of the killer. While the two other leave to fetch the police, Jones eventually finds the killer hidden in a windmill where the real Van Meer is kept prisoner and drugged, soon to be taken by plane to another country. When the police arrives, all traces of the criminal have disappeared an nobody believes Jones's story. Back at his hotel in Amsterdam, Jones escape a kidnapping by leaving with Carol to London, where they are helped by Carol's father. Alas, the man is a member of the conspiracy and tries to get Jones killed. Jones then takes Carol to Cambridge, simulating a kidnapping in order to force Fisher to reveal Van Meer's location. Romantic misunderstanding ensues, and Carol drives back to her father in London. As the plan has failed, ffolliott tails Fisher to the place where Van Meer is being interrogated but he is is taken prisoner. He manages to escape, but not before Van Meer has revealed a secret provision in an treaty that would help Germany in the war. The next day, France and Britain declare war on Germany. Jones and ffolliott follow Fisher and Carol on a flying boat to America. A telegram informs Fisher that Van Meer has recovered and identified Fisher as his kidnapper. He confesses his treason to his daughter just before the plane is shot by a German destroyer and crashes in the ocean. Fisher sacrifices himself so that the others may live. The survivors are rescued by an American ship, her captain refuses to let them report their stories. Jones nonetheless manages to phone his story to his newspaper. Jones and Carol return to England and he becomes a successful war correspondent.

[ Posted on April 14th, 2023 at 18:49 | no comment | ]

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Sunday, April 9th, 2023

La Terre transpercée

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics ]

ISBN: 9782413038078

© Amazon.fr

Un nouveau matériau super-dense est découvert. Extrêmement résistant, il permet de construire un tunnel qui traverse la Terre de la Chine à l'Antarctique en passant par le noyau. Un jour, une rupture du tunnel laisse entrer la matière du noyau et Shen décide de fermer une vanne avant que tous les ouvriers transitant par le tunnel ne soient en sécurité, afin d'éviter qu'une éruption de matière à la surface ne fasse des millions de morts. Une fois la construction achevée, l'exploitation du tunnel cause un énorme pollution en Antarctique, et une vis tombée dans le tunnel au cours d'une opération de maintenance a détruit un train de passagers. Le tunnel finit par être abandonné, avant qu'il ne soit transformé en lanceur pour mettre des objets en orbite, ce qui a permi de construire une cité spatiale en anneau autour de la Terre.

[ Posted on April 9th, 2023 at 10:36 | no comment | ]

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Thornbridge Wilder's Folly

Categories: [ Beer/Thornbridge ]


“Teaming up with our pals at Double Barrelled… big fruit aromas… plum and blackcurrant… floral English hops… light toastiness and caramel”

Fruity and slightly roasted. Contains malted barley and wheat.

Thornbridge brewery, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England. 6.5% alcohol.

[ Posted on April 9th, 2023 at 10:11 | no comment | ]

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Friday, April 7th, 2023

The Illusionist

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



As a teenager, Eduard, son of a cabinet maker, fell in love with Sophie. As she was of noble birth, they were forcibly separated soon after Eduard gave Sophie a locket with his picture. Fifteen years later in 1889, Eduard comes to Vienna after having traveled the world and becomes famous as an illusionist named Eisenheim. He is noticed by Crown Prince Leopold who attends a performance and volunteers his fiancée Sophie for a trick. Eisenheim recognizes Sophie, and after a private performance where he humiliates the prince, they become lovers. Sophie reveals Leopold's plan to marry her soon, in order to get support from the Hungarian side of the empire during his future attempt at overthrowing his father. When Chief Inspector Uhl tells the prince of Sophie's relationship with Eisenheim, Leopold shuts down the theatre where he is performing. The two lovers then plan to flee by train, but on the evening before, a drunk Leopold mortally wounds Sophie as she flees on horse, and her body is found the next day by Eisenheim and a party of policemen. Eisenheim then buys a small theatre and starts a new show where he sits alone on the stage and makes talking images of dead people appear. He soon attracts a loud crowd of people who hope to speak with lost loved ones, and when he makes Sophie appear and the audience starts asking whether she was killed by Leopold, the latter demands that Uhl arrests Eisenheim for necromancy. From the police headquarters, the illusionist tells his assembled followers that it is all an illusion, and Uhl releases him. During the next performance, Sophie's image appears again and says that someone in the audience is her murderer. A bunch of policemen attempts to arrest him on stage, but this time Eisenheim himself is an illusion. Uhl then reports to Leopold and reveals that he has found gems from the prince's ceremonial sword in the stable where Sophie was wounded, as well as her locket. He also says that he wrote a letter to the emperor, revealing the conspiracy to seize the throne. Leopold commit suicide as officers of the army arrive to arrest him. As Uhl, no longer a police officer, leaves the place he is approached by a boy how gives him a parcel from Eisenheim (the plans to one if his illusions) and notices that the adult who just jostled him took the locket from his pocket. Uhl chases the man to the train station, but arrives too to catch the man. He then realizes that Sophie's death was staged so that she could be free of Leopold. Somewhere far away in the mountains, Sophie and Leopold start a new life together.

[ Posted on April 7th, 2023 at 13:07 | no comment | ]

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Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

Kirkstall Spokane

Categories: [ Beer ]


Fruity, grapefruit. Quite bitter. Contains malted barley and wheat.

Kirkstall Brewery, Leeds, England. 6.0% alcohol.

[ Posted on April 2nd, 2023 at 19:00 | no comment | ]

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