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Talk Like a Pirate Day

Saturday, June 27th, 2015

Lindemans Faro

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Beer/Lindemans ]


Lambic (malt d'orge et froment) adoucie par ajout de sucre candi. Très sucrée et un peu acide, ressemble davantage à une limonade qu'à une bière.

Lindemans, Vlezenbeek, Belgique. 4.5% d'alcool.

[ Posted on June 27th, 2015 at 18:11 | no comment | ]

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Monday, June 22nd, 2015

The Warrior's Apprentice

Categories: [ Books/Barrayar ]

The Warrior's Apprentice has been published in 1986 by Lois McMaster Bujold.

Miles Vorkosigan fails his physical entry exam to the Imperial Military Academy. He then goes to Beta Colony to visit his grandmother, accompanied by sergeant Bothari and his daughter Elena. Soon after his arrival, he buys (giving a piece of worthless land on Barrayar as guarantee for later payment) an obsolete freighter to prevent his pilot, Arde Mayhew, from committing suicide and destroying part of the spaceport. Soon after, he meets a Barrayaran deserter, engineer Baz Jezek. Together, they accept a cargo of "agricultural material" to pay back for the freighter. The cargo is actually weapons for the Felicians, one side of a civil war on Tau Verde IV, and they are soon stopped by Oseran Mercenaries who control access to the planet for the Felicians adversairs, the Pelians. Miles and his party manage to take control of the mercenary ship, pretending to be part of the Dendarii Mercenaries. The prisoners are soon turned into the first actual Dendarii Mercenaries, and they deliver together the cargo. On the space station where they land, they are attacked by Pelians and Oser's troops, but manage to beat them and hire the whole of them as Dendarii mercenaries. They then break Oser's trust in their Pelian employer by hijacking the mercenaries' monthly pay, and finally the whole of Oser's troops become Dendarii. Miles is then joined by his cousin Ivan, who was under direct order to find him, but actually unknowingly escaped death by being late as usual. Back on Barrayar, Miles foils an attempt to break a rift between the Emperor and Vorkosigan House by being actually present instead of fomenting a revolution with the help of his private (and illegally owned) army, as the conspirators claim. Miles gives ownership of his mercenaries to the Emperor, who gives it to ImpSec. Having proven his value as a tactician and a commander, Miles is then allowed to join the Academy.

[ Posted on June 22nd, 2015 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

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Friday, June 19th, 2015

Le secret de Khany

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics/Yoko Tsuno ]

ISBN: 9782800163390

© Amazon.fr

Khany entraîne Yoko dans un voyage vers Mars pour retrouver Tevy, une adolescente vinéenne qui était en hibernation dans une base sous terre mais qui a disparu. Elle porte dans son esprit un programme, conçu par Karpan, destiné à détruire toute vie bactérienne sur Terre pour permettre la colonisation par les vinéens. Sur Mars, Yoko et ses amis sont fait prisonniers par Karpan, qui force Tevy a piloter la fusée-bombe destinée à « purifier » la Terre. Yoko parvient à détruire les installations de Karpan et à sauver Tevy.

[ Posted on June 19th, 2015 at 15:16 | no comment | ]

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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics/Soda ]

ISBN: 9782800153254

© Amazon.fr

La mère de Soda rend une enveloppe à un inconnu dans le métro, qui lui dit de ne pas utiliser le métro dans la semaine à venir. Soda tente de retrouver l'homme, le soupçonnant d'être un terroriste. Aidé de Babs qui utilise le réseau de caméras de surveillance de la ville, il arrive dans une usine abandonnée où on tente de le tuer. Le tueur est son ancien capitaine, présumé mort dans l'attaque du 11 septembre 2001. Ce dernier lui révèle qu'on le fait chanter en menaçant sa fille, afin qu'il participe à un réseau de pseudo-terroristes, effectuant des attaques afin que les gouvernements prennent des lois plus autoritaires.

[ Posted on June 19th, 2015 at 13:54 | no comment | ]

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Brouillades aux embrouilles

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics/Leo Loden ]

ISBN: 9782302042056

© Amazon.fr

Amadeus est kidnappé et envoie un numéro à Léo par SMS. Il s'agit d'un numéro de conteneur, qu'il finit par retrouver sur le port, plein d'armes en plus des contrefaçons qu'attendait Amadeus. Ils sont attaqués par les kidnappeurs, mais parviennent à s'enfuire, plongeant la voiture de ces derniers dans le port. La voiture se révèle appartenir à un imam qui a réussi à maintenant la paix dans la cité de Plan Vallon. Le préfet est impatient d'y donner l'assaut mais Léo parvient à l'en empêcher, promettant d'arrêter les trafficants d'armes. Lors de l'échange entre les armes et Amadeus, la police intervient et arrête les criminels. dont le chef est le fils de l'imam.

[ Posted on June 19th, 2015 at 13:43 | no comment | ]

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L'affaire des origines - Épisode 2: Jenna Mc Kalan

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics/Midi minuit ]

ISBN: 9782302043664

© Amazon.fr

Fernand poursuit son récit. Jim et Jenna avaient été préparés (de force pour Jim) par l'Invisible afin d'être capables de se transformer l'un en l'autre à l'aide d'un miroir. Lorsque le bureau royal a attaqué et détruit la cité aérienne de l'Invisible, Jim s'est enfuit en ayant perdu la mémoire. Dans le présent, les amis de Jim trouvent la piste de la nouvelle base de l'Invisible, sous-marine cette fois. Ils sont fait prisonniers et l'Invisible, après avoir révélé son plan d'enlèvement du roi par sa technique des miroirs, tente de préparer Marnie et Beltran. Ils sont sauvés in extremis par Jim et Jenna, qui peuvent maintenant exister séparément pendant un temps grâce aux améliorations apportées au système. Le bureau royal attaque la base sous-marine, mais manquent à nouveau d'arrêter l'Invisible. Jim et Jenna se retrouvent cepedant fusionnés en un seul corps, moitié Jim et moitié Jenna.

[ Posted on June 19th, 2015 at 13:26 | no comment | ]

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L'homme du Yard

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics/Les quatre de Baker Street ]

ISBN: 9782749307794

© Amazon.fr

Moriarty est mort, Holmes prétend l'être. Blackstone vient d'être nommé à la Special Branch et compte utiliser son noveau pouvoir pour se débarasser de Holmes. Il essaye d'arrêter le trio de francs-tireurs de Holmes afin de forcer ce dernier à se montrer; prévenus à temps par Lestrade, ils se réfugient dans la Rookery de Dead End. Kilburn fait donner l'assaut, mais les 3 enfants parviennent à s'échapper. Avec Holmes, ils forcent Blackstone à révéler l'endroit où il a caché son dossier sur ses relations avec Moriarty et le lui prennent. Blackstone se suicide, mais le colonel Moran court toujours.

[ Posted on June 19th, 2015 at 13:10 | no comment | ]

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Paris La Noire

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics/Special Branch ]

ISBN: 9782344005590

© Amazon.fr

À la veille de l'exposition universelle de 1889, de la dynamite est volée à Paris. Un indice désigne les Fenians irlandais, et la Special Branch est appelée en renfort. Un fabricant de bombes meurt dans une explosion accidentelle, et les agents trouvent chez lui un photo aérienne qui les mêne chez un photographe récemment décédé dans un accident. Ce dernier conservait un dossier sur J.H. Cooper, contenant entre autres un photo de la guerre civile américaine. Les inspecteurs rencontrent ensuite le canadien Percy Tyrell qui les invite dans son bar américain au premier étage de la tour Eiffel où ils reconnaissent la photo, exposée sur le mur. Tyrell les fait prisonnier dans sa réserve, remplie de dymanite; ils parviennent à empêcher l'explosion, mais Cooper/Tyrell s'enfuit.

[ Posted on June 19th, 2015 at 12:58 | no comment | ]

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Tuesday, June 16th, 2015


Categories: [ Books/Barrayar ]

Barrayar has been published in 1991 by Lois McMaster Bujold.

At the emperor's death, Aral Vorkosigan becomes Regent of prince Gregor. But many would like to take his place by force, or at least replace him with a more traditionalist head of state. Aral is attacked twice; the second time Cordelia is a victim as well and the antidote to the combat gas used in the attack affects he baby she is bearing. He is surgically removed and placed in a uterine replicator, and follows an experimental treatment to repair the damage made to his developing bones. Several weeks later, the head of imperial security arrives to Vorkosigan House with prince Gregor; the imperial residence has been attacked by Vordarrian's partisans, Gregor's mother Kareen has been taken hostage. Cordelia, Gregor and a few trusted men flee to the mountains to hide Gregor. Cordelia then joins her Aral in his headquarter. When she learns that the laboratory where her baby was treated was attacked and that the uterine replicator was taken hostage without anyone able to service it, she decides to lead, against Aral's will, a commando attack to the imperial residence, using Kareen's former bodyguards knowledge of secret escape routes. She manages to recover the uterne replicator, killing Vordarrian (and Kareen) in the process. This leads to the defeat of the rebellion. Some time later, Miles Vorkosigan is born, with extremely brittle bones.

[ Posted on June 16th, 2015 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

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Friday, June 12th, 2015

Shards of Honor

Categories: [ Books/Barrayar ]

Shards of Honor has been published in 1986 by Lois McMaster Bujold.

Cordelia Naismith and her crew are exploring a new planet. They are attacked by Barrayaran forces and all survivors except her manage to escape. She is taken prisoner by Aral Vorkosigan, a Barrayaran captain, who is trying to determine which faction of his crew has attacked the explorers in an attempt to kill him and blame it on Cordelia's crew. With Cordelia's help, he manages to retake control of his men, and Cordelia is sent back home to Beta Colony. Some months later, she is on a secret mission to send weapons to Escobar, a planet under siege by Barrayaran cruisers. She is made prisoner and taken by admiral Vorrutyer who wants his batman to rape and torture her. Vorrutyer is killed by the batman, mentally unstable sergeant Bothari whom she had met among Vorkosigan's men earlier. She is then rescued hand hidden by Vorkosigan who is also aboard the cruiser. Crown Prince Serg then leads the assault on Escobar and is killed by the weapons delivered by Cordelia. He explains that the emperor wanted to get rid of his perverted son, and that the whole invasion was a plan to get Serg assassinated. Following the Barrayaran's retreat, Cordelia is then sent back to Beta Colony; there she is suspected to have been brainwashed by the Barrayarans, and she flees to Barrayar, where she finally accepts Vorkosigan's earlier marriage proposal. With him, she meets the dying emperor who convinces Aral to become Regent to Serg's son, four-year old Gregor.

[ Posted on June 12th, 2015 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

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