Sunday, November 30th, 2008
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books ]
The Culture is an association of evolved species in the galaxy who have merged
and created together a new culture. Among other things, they meddle secretely
in the development of other spieces to make them step toward peace and
enlightenment. Sometimes this fails, and as it was the case with Chel, the
specie falls into civil war. But the Chelgrian religion requires every fallen
warrior to be avenged with the death of an enemy in order to be allowed to
move into the afterlife. Some Chelgians have then planned to kill four billion
Culture citizens on the Masaq' Orbital, a gigantic ring-shaped structure
orbiting around a Hub, itself orbiting around a sun. The Orbital is controlled
by a Mind, an AI which takes care of most of the automatic systems, as well as
of the people through avatars. Most of the deaths will be souls of dead
people, stored in the Hub, where the Mind also resides. The Chelgrian sent on
this suicide mission is Quilan, who is desperate to die since he lost his wife
in the war. He is accompanied with Huyler, a veteran officer who resides in
Quilan's brain, within Soulkeeper modified to allow Quilan and Huyler to
communicate. Huyler's mission is to take control of Quilan in case the latter
gets cold feet. But the mission fails, because Huyler is actually an agent of
the Culture, who had been turned around while his soul was stored, after his
bodily death. But the Mind of Masaq' also wishes to die (because of having
lost his twin during a war, almost 1000 years ago) and he proposed Quilan to
die with him. The originators of the plot on Chel are assassinated, but no
other action is taken by the Culture against the Chelgrian people. In the end,
Huyler gets a new body and a new life in the Culture.
[ Posted on November 30th, 2008 at 18:40 |
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Saturday, November 29th, 2008
Categories: [ TV/Leffakone ]
Leffakone's timer's been working
perfectly for almost two years, but since we moved, it doesn't always
work as it should. The LED goes off when it starts to receive data (as
expected), but then it just reboots (because of the watchdog timer) and then
waits for data again (its LED on). But it will not accept the data anymore.
And after a couple of days, for no reason, it works again (and blinks happily
while counting down).
I took it to the telecom lab last Tuesday and Niko took a look at it. The
solders seem fine. We changed the micro-controller and flashed it. It still
behaved erratically on the bench, rebooting repeatedly for no obvious reason,
sometimes receiving data with the available signal low but touching the
data wire with the finger (I mean the insulation of the wire, not the
metallic part). Niko unsoldered and resoldered the crystal, thinking it was
faulty, with no effect. It seemed doomed.
Then I took it back home, checked with an ohm-meter that all the resistors
were resisting, that the capacitors were capaciting, and I put it back in
Leffakone. This was last Thursday. Since then, it's been working perfectly…
[ Posted on November 29th, 2008 at 23:36 |
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Categories: [ Beer/Highgate ]
“…brewed using a blend of Maris Otter pale malt and torrefied wheat, with four
varieties of hop (Fuggle, Progress, Styrian Gold and Mount Hood)…”
Very sweet (it contains No3 Inverted Block Sugar and High-Maltose Syrup), very
strong, tastes very slightly of flowers (violet?), otherwise boring. Contains
malted barley and torrefied wheat.
Highgate Brewery, Walsall, England. 8.2% alcohol.
[ Posted on November 29th, 2008 at 22:16 |
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Monday, November 24th, 2008
Translation: [ Google ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics ]
Artemis Fowl on 12 vuotta ja rikollisnero. Hän löytää keijujen Kirjan, ja
oppii kaiken mitä pitää tietää keijuista. Sitten hän sieppaa keijupoliisin.
Hän vaatii yhden tonnin kultaa vastineeksi poliisista. Hän tietää että keijujen
poliisivoimat aikovat asettaa ensin aikapysäytyskentän (josta kukaan ei ikinä
ole päässyt pakoon), ja jos he eivät onnistu saamaan poliisia takaisin, he
laukaisevat biopommin, joka tuhoaa kaiken elämän kentän sisällä. Mutta Fowl
huomasi että tarinoissa, joissa on keijuja, ihmiset eivät ikinä herää, kun
keijut ovat paikalla. Se tarkoittaa että kentässä tietoisuuden taso pysyy samana
kuin aikapysäytyksen alkaessa. Silloin ei voi nukahtaa eikä herätä. He ovat
tajuntansa vuoksi aikapysäytyksen vankeja. Aikakentästä pääsee pakoon
nukahtamalla. Fowl ja hänen ystävät joivat sitten unilääkettä, ja pääsivät
kentästä pois, ennen kuin biopommi iski. Kun keijut eivät saaneet kultaa
takaisin, Keijujen lain mukaan, Fowl saa pitää kullan itsellään.
[ Posted on November 24th, 2008 at 22:27 |
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Sunday, November 23rd, 2008
Categories: [ Beer/Broughton ]
“Sir Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie and Sir William Douglas, Knight of
Liddesdale were great military leaders and both men had been brothers in arms
in numerous campaigns sharing many victories and accolades. They were
outstanding in a brilliant array of valiant knights that thronged the court
of King David of Scotland in the 14th Century. Like these great leaders
Champion Double Ale is a blend of two strong characters. A strong ale brewed in
the Scottish tradition, strong, warming and malty, combined with a Porter
style ale with rich roasted malt characters on a background of good hop
flavour and aroma.
The two beers are brewed and fermented separately in their unique ways then
blended together in a warm conditioning vessel to allow the two to mature.”
Quite strong, with a strong malty taste, maybe with a hint of chocolate
(maybe). Made of malted barley.
Broughton Ales limited, Broughton Biggar, Scotland. 5.5% alcohol.
[ Posted on November 23rd, 2008 at 20:22 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics ]
Publié en finnois par Egmont en un volume unique. Trop la flemme de faire des
résumés dans la langue d'Alexis Kivi (d'autant plus que je n'ai fait que
survoler les dialogues, l'histoire est tellement simple qu'on comprend rien
qu'en regardant les images).
Jehan Pistolet corsaire prodigieux
Nantes, 17è siècle. Jehan rêve de devenir un corsaire. Avec quelques amis et
un perroquet, il retape un vieux rafiot et part à l'aventure sur les mers.
Afin de se faire remarquer du roi, il part à la recherche du pirate Barbe
Verte, qu'il finit par attraper (par chance plus qu'autre chose). Pour le
récompenser, le roi en fait un de ses corsaires.
Jehan Pistolet corsaire du Roy
Jehan et son équipage, manquant cruellement d'argent sont alléchés par l'offre
d'un vieux loup de mer qui leur propose de partir à la recherche d'un trésor.
Ce dernier se révèle être un ancien pirate qui tente, avec ses deux gardes du
corps, de prendre possesion du navire de Jehan. Après deux escales (une chez
des canibales, l'autre chez des espagnols qui les font prisonier), Jehan et
son équipage sont jetés à la mer, puis recueilli par le capitaine de l'ancien
pirate (que ce dernier croyait mort) qui vient justement chercher son trésor.
Jehan et son équipage réussissent à faire prisonier les pirates et à rapporter
le trésor (avant de le voir repris par le collecteur des impôts).
Jehan Pistolet et l'espion
Le roi envoie Jehan en Afrique conquérir de nouvelles colonies. Sa
conversation avec son équipage est surprise par un espion, qui va vendre (sans
recevoir un sou) l'information à deux monarques étrangers, puis vendre (encore
une fois sans succès) à Jehan le fait que deux navires étrangers poursuivent
le même but que lui. Chacun des trois capitaines a pour plan de laisser les
deux autres faire tout le travail et de se servir ensuite. Les deux autres
finissent par se taper dessus pendant que Jehan continue vers l'Afrique. Il y
fait la connaissance d'une tribu qui a déjà été « civilisée », et continie
vers l'intérieur des terres, où il construit un fort. Mais ses deux
concurrents viennent à l'attaque, chassent la tribu qui vient se réfugier dans
le fort de Jehan et encerclent le fort. Les assiégés reussissent à faire
parvenir un message à une tribu amie qui chasse les concurrents de Jehan.
Quand ce dernier rejoint enfin la France, le roi lui dit que finalement il
n'avait pas besoin d'une nouvelle colonie.
Jehan Pistolet en amérique
Le roi envoie Jehan et son équipage en Amérique afin de lui rapporter du
Tilleulus Americanus pour soigner son foie. Arrivé à New York, Jehan engage un
trappeur pour le guider. Ils sont faits prisonniers par des indiens, mais Jehan
parvient à les libérer en réussissant à passer trois épreuves. Plus loin ils
trouvent un champ de Tilleulus Americanus, mais sont faits prisonniers par un
agriculteur irrascible, ammené à la ville proche et rapidement jugés et
condamnés pour vol de chevaux. Mais une attaque des indiens (les mêmes que
précédemment) sur la ville, que Jehan parvient à arrêter, leur permet de se
faire gracier et de rapporter la plante tant convoitée en France. Mais le Roi
n'en a plus besoin, parce qu'un de ses médecins s'est rendu compte qu'il en
poussait dans le jardin du palais.
Jehan Pistolet et le savant fou
Le roi engage un savant fou pour installer des gadgets sur le navire de Jehan.
Ils partent à la poursuite d'un pirate qui décime la flotte française, et
finissent par l'arrêter après une bataille au canon dans le port de Nantes. À
la fin, le savant fou décide qu'il ne veut plus continuer à fabriquer des
armes, et s'en va fair le tour de la France sur sa dernière invention, une
[ Posted on November 23rd, 2008 at 13:05 |
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Saturday, November 15th, 2008
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Grumbling ]
Lorsqu'on envoie une lettre depuis l'étranger vers la Finlande, on
préfixe le code postal
par « FI- ». Pas « FIN- » ni « SF- » . Lorsqu'on envoie une lettre
depuis l'étranger vers la France, on ne fait
pas précéder le code
postal par un quelconque code.
Kun lähetetään kirje ulkomailta Suomeen, postinumeron eteen
kirjoitetaan “FI-”.
Ei “FIN-” eikä “SF-”. Kun lähetetään kirje ulkomailta Ranskaan, ei
kirjoiteta mitään
postinumeron eteen.
[ Posted on November 15th, 2008 at 21:23 |
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Comment #2, Matthieu Weber (Jyväskylä, Finland),
October 23rd, 2008 at 09:16
Comment #5, Matthieu Weber (Jyväskylä, Finland),
October 23rd, 2008 at 09:39
Categories: [ Beer/Meantime ]
“The world's original pale beers were born in London over 200 years ago. …
American and English hops…”
Flowery smell, quite bitter. Contains barley malt.
Meantime Brewing, London, England. 4.3% alcohol.
[ Posted on November 15th, 2008 at 21:14 |
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Thursday, November 13th, 2008
Categories: [ TV/Cinema/James Bond ]
Bond drives the man who was behind the assassination of Vesper in the
previous episode to Sienna to be
interrogated. He's a member of a secret criminal organisation named Solace,
but manages to escape thanks to a traitor at MI6. Bond traces the traitor's
contact in Haiti, where he meets Camille Montes and Dominic Greene. Greene is
the chairman of Greene Planet, an organisation which supports environmental
actions, but Greene is also a member of Quantum and schemes a coup d'état to
make General Meneral Medrano the new president of Bolivia in exchange for a
piece of land in the Bolivian desert. The CIA is involved, but they do not
intend to stop him. Camille wants to kill Medrano (who killed her family), but
Bond prevents her to do so. Bond then follows Greene to Bregenz when the
latter uses a representation of Tosca at Lake Constance as a secret meeting
place with business partners, involving pipelines. Bond discovers that an
advisor of the Prime Minister seems to be involved with Quantum. Me believes
Bond only seeks revenge for the murder of Vesper, and relieves him of duty,
with no success. Bond then asks René Mathis (his partner in Casino
Royale) to help him go to Bolivia and
follow Greene. In La Paz they meet Canille again, but Bond is framed by the
chief of police. Bond and Camille escape with an airplane found at the place
Greene seeks to acquire, but are shot down by a military airplace sent by
Medrano. They discover that Greene's goal is to control water, not to find
oil. Back in La Paz, Bond contacts Felix Leiter, who tells him that Greene and
Medrano are in a hotel in the middle of the desert and are going to sign a
deal where Greene provides Medrano with funds to buy himself the support of
the police. In exchange, Greene wants to control the distribution of water in
the country. Camille and Bond arrive just at that moment, Camille kills
Medrano and Bond gets answers from Greene before leaving him in the desert
(where he will be killed by Quantum shortly after). Finally, Bond goes to
Kazan in Russia to meet Yusef, Vesper's former lover who had driven her to
betray her country for the profit of Quantum, and is about to do the same with
a Canadian agent. To M's suprise, Bond doesn't kill Yusef.
[ Posted on November 13th, 2008 at 22:43 |
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Tuesday, November 11th, 2008
Categories: [ IT ]
I fixed a bug in xautoaway
(actually, in X11::Protocol
). The new
version is available.
[ Posted on November 11th, 2008 at 23:46 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Blog ]
I changed my RSS feed so that it displays the stories in HTML instead of the
old text-only version. Moreover, I added a link to each of the RSS items to
use automatic translating services (Google Translate and Babelfish). This link
only appears if the RSS feed is requested with a given language in parameter.
E.g., for English, use
the RSS feed's URL. You can replace the en
at the end with fr
or fi
French and Finnish respectively.
J'ai changé mon flux RSS afin d'afficher les histoires en HTML au lieu de
l'ancienne version en texte simpe. De plus, j'ai ajouté à chaque item RSS un
lien vers des services de traduction automatique (Google Translate et
Babelfish). Ce lien n'apparait que si le flux RSS est appelé avec un paramètre
langue. Par exemple pour le Français, il faut utiliser
comme URL du flux RSS. On
peut remplacer le fr
à la fin par en
ou fi
pour l'anglais ou le finnois,
Disclaimer — Désistement
I cannot be held responsible for death by fatal
hilarity when reading the
automatic translations.
Je ne peux être tenu responsable si vous mourez de rire en lisant les
traductions automatiques.
[ Posted on November 11th, 2008 at 23:35 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Ice Cream ]
Recette adaptée de la glace au lait de Chef Simon.
- 5 dL lait
- 70 g sucre
- 30 g sirop de glucose
- 6 jaunes d'œuf
- 10 g fécule d'orge
- 100 g gingembre frais rapé
- 2 dL crème fluide
- gingembre confit découpé en petits cubes
Cette recette décrit la manière dont j'ai préparé ma glace au lait, mais elle
contient une erreur importante. Lire les commentaires pour davantage de détails.
Délayer le sirop de glucose dans le lait et y ajouter le gingembre rapé. Faire bouillir.
Fouetter les 6 jaunes d'œuf avec le sucre. Filtrer le lait encore chaud et le
verser sur les jaunes d'œuf et le sucre. Faire épaissir comme une crème
anglaise. Délayer la fécule dans un peu d'eau et ajouter en fin de cuisson.
Laisser refroidir (12h au frigo), puis passer à la sorbetière. Lorsque La
glace est presque prise ajouter le gingembre confit dans la sorbetière,
fouetter la crème fluide et l'ajouter dans la sorbetière et laisser tourner
jusqu'à ce que la crème soit bien incorporée.
Le gingembre frais (c'est-à-dire qui n'a pas été chauffé) contient une enzyme
protéolytique qui va faire cailler le lait. On récupère donc d'une part du
petit-lait sucré (qui devient une assez bonne crème anglaise) et d'autre part
du gingembre rapé au fromage blanc. La prochaine fois, j'essayerai de faire
bouillir le gingembre rapé une minute pour dénaturer l'enzyme. J'espère qu'on
ne perdra pas trop de goût.
[ Posted on November 11th, 2008 at 23:00 |
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Friday, November 7th, 2008
Categories: [ Beer/Shepherd Neame ]
“soft and golden season ale.”
Quite bitter, but maybe not as much as other beers from the same brewery.
Contains malted barley.
Shepherd Neame, Faversham, Kent, England. 4.7% alcohol.
[ Posted on November 7th, 2008 at 20:38 |
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Wednesday, November 5th, 2008
Categories: [ IT ] is an
autoaway script for Irssi that allows Irssi to go
away automatically when your X Window session has been idle for some time.
Additionaly, it supports Irssi running in a GNU screen, being detached from an
xterm in one display and reattached to another xterm on another display.
Distributed as-is, under “it-works-for-me” pseudo-license (and under GNU
GPLv3 real license).
It requires the X11::Protocol
module and some additional setup (the provided,
incomplete extension to X11::Protocol
and the
wrapper to be run instead of GNU screen).
[ Posted on November 5th, 2008 at 23:40 |
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Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Ten years have passed. California is soon going to become a state and join the
Union. Alejandro and Elena are married and have a son, Joaquin. Elena is
pissed that Alejandro spends all his time as Zorro instead of with his family.
She soons divorces from him, and Alejandro finds out she is dating Armand, a
Frenchman who started a wineyard in San Mateo. But Elena is actually working
under cover for the Pinkertons, who are spying on Armand on behalf of the
United States' government. They soon discover that Armand is a member of Orbis
Unum, a secret fellowship of knights who seek to keep the domination of the
Old Continent and prevent the rise of the USA. Armand is importing secretely
loads of soap and turning it into nitroglycerin (???), that will then be
distributed to the Confederacy's army. Alejandro and Elena manage to stop
the shipping of the explosive and save the day.
[ Posted on November 5th, 2008 at 23:30 |
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Tuesday, November 4th, 2008
Translation: [ Google ]
Categories: [ Science ]
Bensa maksaa Keljon Shell Expressillä 1,294 EUR, mutta Palokassa se maksaa
vain 1,259 EUR Palokan Neste Oil Expressillä. Matka Palokkaan ja takaisin on
noin 20 km. Auto käyttää noin 7 L/100km, siis 1,4 L bensaa, joka maksaisi
1,76 EUR. Tankkaan 35 L, hinta ero on siis 0,88 EUR. Se ei maksaa vaivaa.
(datan lähde:
[ Posted on November 4th, 2008 at 22:43 |
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Comment #1, Henrik (Jyväskylä, Finland),
November 5th, 2008 at 11:46
Categories: [ IT ]
I just finished a
gateway between the DICT
protocol and the MOT online
(not free at all) dictionary collection accessible to the University of
Jyväskylä. It runs as a local DICT server, started from the command line by
any user (preferably not root) and listens to on port 2628. DICT
queries are turned into HTTP requests to NetMOT, the resulting HTML code is
cleaned up and returned as pure text to the DICT client. The CLI DICT client
doesn't support multiple servers, so it accessing the gateway requires to call
dict -h localhost
if the default server is
[ Posted on November 4th, 2008 at 11:09 |
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DICT-NetMOT Gateway Updated
Comment #1, Blog & White,
June 28th, 2010 at 23:02
Saturday, November 1st, 2008
Categories: [ Beer/Brakspear ]
“Craft brewed with organically grown ingredients, using Target and Goldings
hops to provide a zesty aroma and fruity flavour.”
Strong hop falvour, slightly bitter and fruity. Contains barley malt.
Brakspear Brewing Co., Oxfordshire, England. 4.6% alcohol.
[ Posted on November 1st, 2008 at 18:54 |
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Personally, I've never addressed mail to Finland with the prefix. I suspect that it exists (as it does in addresses in the German-speaking countries) as a sort of 'check digit' for when the country name may be written in a foreign form (since it should be written in the language of the mail's origin for the benefit of the sorters!). Maybe France feels like they don't really care.
P.S. Clicking on this comment box causes the cursor to jump to the 'name' field and highlights its contents. I have to tab to this box to type in it. The remaining fields are working properly.