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Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Thief of Time

Categories: [ Books/Discworld ]

ISBN: 0552148407

© Amazon.fr

Jeremy is a neurotic watchmaker who has been hired by an Auditor (disguised as Lady LeJean, a human woman) to build a glass clock. This device would stop time completely in the whole multiverse, which would then a state of complete stability which is what the Auditors are trying to achieve. The previous attempt to build such a device made Time a prisoner of the clock, but the latter being imperfect, it exploded and shattered History. The Monks of History are the self-appointed guardians of History, and the most powerful of them, Lu-Tze (called the Sweeper, because he actually is a sweeper) has been ordered by the Abbot to prevent the new glass clock from being built. Lu-Tze and his apprentice Lobsang (who has a supernatural sense of dealing with time) travel to Ankh-Morpork where the watchmaker lives. They arrive an instant too late, the clock is being started by the Auditors (who have also taken human form). Meanwhile, Death, War, Pestilence and Famine, knowing that the end of the world is close, are preparing for the Apocalypse, while Susan, Death's grand-daughter, tries to fight the Auditors. She meets Lobsang, who got separated from Lu-Tze, and together with Lady LeJean they fight the Auditors (with chocolate, since the latter's brand new bodies can't handle the explosion of senses that happens when they eat chocolate). In the meantime, Lu-Tze meets Ronald Soak, the best milkman in Ankh-Morpork, who doens't seem to suffer from the lack of time. Soak happens to be the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse, Chaos, who was long forgotten. The five Horsemen fight the Auditors and drive them away. Lobsang is the son of Time and the Abbot, and is also a duplicate of Jeremy, the child of Time being born twice. While in Ankh-Morpork, Lobsang and Jeremy merge. Finally, Lobsang/Jeremy uses the monks' tools to put History back into shape.

[ Posted on April 30th, 2008 at 17:47 | 1 comment | ]

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Read it again.

Comment #1, Matthieu Weber (Finland), January 9th, 2020 at 07:39

Saturday, April 26th, 2008

Crème au chocolat aux gommes de guar et de xanthane

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Cooking/Chocolate cream ]


  • 70g chocolat 70% (Fazer Premium)
  • 50g sucre
  • 1c. à café sucre vanillé
  • 5dL lait
  • 1.1g gomme de guar
  • 1.1g gomme de xanthane


Faire fondre le chocolat (au micro-ondes, 1 min à 900 W). Mélanger à sec le sucre et les gommes. Faire chauffer le lait à 70 °C, y ajouter le chocolat fondu, mixer avec un mixer plongeant, puis verser le mélange sucre+gommes en pluie tout en mixant. Ajouter le sucre vanillé, et mixer encore une fois.


  • Une fois refroidie, la préparation forme une sorte de gel très fluide, difficile à faire tenir sur une cuillère à café car les « morceaux » que l'on détache à l'aide de la cuillère sont généralement plus gros que cette dernière
  • La consistance sur la langue est très glissante
  • La surface est une mousse figée (dûe au mixer) et on a l'impression de manger une sorte de mousse au chocolat

[ Posted on April 26th, 2008 at 13:31 | no comment | ]

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Monday, April 21st, 2008


Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]


© Impawards.com

The inhabitants of planet Spaceball have used up all their atmosphere and plan to steal the one from the peaceful planet Druidia. For that purpose, the evil Lord Dark Helmet plans to kidnap princess Vespa of Druidia in order to force her father King Roland to give them the code for opening the shield that protects the planet. Meanwhile on Druidia, the princess escapes her marriage with Prince Valium and just before being kidnapped by the Spaceballs, is rescued by Lone Starr, a space cowboy. Trying to escape the Spaceballs, they get stranded on a desert planet where they meet Yogurt, a wizard who teaches Lone Starr how to control the Schwartz. Soon after, Vespa is kidnapped by the Spaceballs who then extort the code from the King. After rescuing the princes from planet Spaceball, Lone Starr and his friends infiltrate the Spaceball's giant spaceship. There he faces Dark Helmet in a duel of Schwartz, before activating the self destruct just before the Spaceballs managed to steal the air of Druidia. At the end, Lone Star learns from Yogurt that he's actually a Prince and he is then allowed to marry the princess.

[ Posted on April 21st, 2008 at 21:59 | 1 comment | ]

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Seen it again.

Comment #1, Matthieu Weber (Finland), August 8th, 2017 at 22:59

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

Chocolats 4

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Cooking/Chocolats ]

SanBeam, Bio Edelbitter 85% : astringeant, pateux, vraiment pas bon

SanBeam, Bio Edelbitter 72% : café, farineux

Kultasuklaa, 70% : doux, (la première fois seulement : raisins secs, müsli)

[ Posted on April 16th, 2008 at 08:49 | no comment | ]

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Sunday, April 13th, 2008

The Truth

Categories: [ Books/Discworld ]

ISBN: 0552147680

© Amazon.fr

William de Worde is the editor of the first newspaper in Ankh-Morpork. His sense of digging the truth leads him into investigating the apparent murder attempt by the Patriciant of his clerk. But several clues don't match. Soon William and the Watch try to find the Patrician's dog Wuffles, who is a witness to the whole crime. William is contacted by an anonymous informant named Deep Bone (actually Gaspode) who wants to sell him the whereabouts of Wuffles (the dog is actually hiding with Gaspode, Foul Ole Ron and their team). Meanwhile, the two henchmen (Mr Pin and Mr Tulip) who have been hired through Slant by the Comity to unelect the Patrician are trying themselves to find Wuffles in order to protect their operation and save their skin. William finally discovers that the Comity is led by his own father (with whom he doesn't really get along). The Patrician is finally freed from jail, and William gets his blessing to pursue his newspaper operations.

[ Posted on April 13th, 2008 at 20:52 | 1 comment | ]

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Read it again.

Comment #1, Matthieu Weber (Finland), December 18th, 2019 at 08:46


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Grumbling ]

Ne pas oublier de mettre de l'eau dans la cocotte-minute avant de la mettre sur la plaque électrique pendant 20 minutes et de se demander pourquoi elle met tellement de temps à chauffer.

La plaque électrique en question avait rougi quand j'ai enlevé la cocotte, et les patates avec un goût de pas bon. Heureusement que la fondue de poireaux était bonne.

[ Posted on April 13th, 2008 at 14:00 | no comment | ]

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Saturday, April 12th, 2008

Ridgeway Blue

Categories: [ Beer/Ridgeway ]


“Distinctively hoppy… Blue is the first bottle conditioned ale brewed deliberately to taste great chilled. Try serving shared in two stemmed glasses. For drinking cold (but it's not compulsory :-)”

Very flowery smell, not bitter. Made of barley.

Ridgeway Brewing, South Stoke, Oxfordshire, England. 5.0% alcohol.

[ Posted on April 12th, 2008 at 19:22 | no comment | ]

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Crème au chocolat à la gomme de Tara

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Cooking/Chocolate cream ]


  • 5dL lait
  • 114g chocolat noir fondu
  • 50g sucre
  • 4,2g gomme de Tara


Faire fondre le chocolat

Mélanger à sec le sucre et la gomme de Tara, faire chauffer le lait à 40 °C, verser le mélange sucre+Tara en pluie tout en mixant avec un mixer plongeant. Ajouter le chocolat fondu et continuer de mixer.


  • Le mélange épaissit davantage en reposant/refroidissant.
  • La consistance sur la langue est étrange, un peu comme une mousse épaisse (mais pas vraiment), légèrement astringeante et collante.

[ Posted on April 12th, 2008 at 17:56 | no comment | ]

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Friday, April 11th, 2008

Bad King John

Categories: [ Beer/Ridgeway ]


“Bad King John is black… bitter… intense… Like the ruthless man it honours, do not come here looking for subtlety!”

Bitter, with an after taste of coffee. Otherwise, just another (dark) ale. Made of barley.

Ridgeway Brewing, South Stoke, Oxfordshire, England. 6.0% alcohol.

[ Posted on April 11th, 2008 at 23:47 | no comment | ]

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Thursday, April 10th, 2008

Chocolats 3

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Cooking/Chocolats ]

Sorini Ecuador, 67% : cannelle, farineux, un peu écœurant

[ Posted on April 10th, 2008 at 22:39 | no comment | ]

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Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents

Categories: [ Books/Discworld ]

ISBN: 0552546933

© Amazon.fr

Maurice is a talking cat, leading a tribe of talking rats and a stupid-looking kid with a flute. Together they scam the small villages in Uberwald, simulating a plague of rats and getting the kid paid to “magically” leading them out of the village. On day, they arrive in a village already heavily plagued by rats, where the rats steal so much food that the prices have raised to incredible heights. But Maurice's rats notice that although there is many traps and much poison around, there is no single rat in town. The kid and the Mayor's daughter Malicia discover that the rat catchers have been stealing food from the cellars (these all seem to communicate with each other) and that they event breed the rats to get bigger and more aggressive ones and have them fight against dogs. The rats also discover that a Rat King (eight rats attached together by the tail, made by a rat catcher) has grown a magical mind of its own and tries to seize power in the city. Thanks to Maurice and its rats, the Rat King and the rat catchers are defeated, and Maurice manages to organise a treaty between the talking rats and the population, so that the latter feed the rats, and the former keep the city free of rogue rats and refrain from spoiling and raiding the food.

[ Posted on April 1st, 2008 at 21:14 | 1 comment | ]

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Read it again.

Comment #1, Matthieu Weber (Finland), January 19th, 2020 at 10:53