Saturday, September 27th, 2008
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking | Books/Herve This ]
Encore un ouvrage de gastronomie moléculaire d'Hervé This, publié en 2007.
This s'attache ici d'une part à expliquer un certain nombre de mécanismes,
tant physiologiques (sur la perception du goût) que physico-chimiques
(transformations des aliments) et d'autre part à esquisser des pistes pour
l'avenir de la cuisine (formalisation de la description des plats puis
invention de nouveaux plats à part de formules qui ne représentent aucun plat
connu, construction de plats à partir de briques de base, protéines, arômes,
émulsifiants, gélifiants, sucres…)
La dernière partie qui suggère de n'utiliser que les composants « utiles »
des aliments et de les assembler pour en faire des plats me laisse un peu
perplexe : je n'imagine pas cuisiner à l'avenir exclusivement à partir de
“briques de base” produites par l'industrie agro-alimentaires. Mais ce n'est
pas le problème du scientifique (cela devrait-il l'être ?)
[ Posted on September 27th, 2008 at 18:48 |
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Categories: [ Games ]
The font used in the Blue Moon cards (FFG edition) is ITC Kallos, size 12.5pt
(or 12pt?) medium and bold, and 8pt book italic for the flavour text.
The font used on the expansion decks' tuckboxes is Bitstream Flareserif.
[ Posted on September 27th, 2008 at 00:17 |
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Thursday, September 25th, 2008
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Ice Cream ]
- 1 œuf
- 250 mL lait
- 150g sucre
- 20g sirop de glucose en poudre
- 5g fécule d'orge
- 50g pâte de noisette
- 5dL crème fluide
Battre l'œuf avec le sucre et le sirop de glucose. Faire bouillir le lait,
le verser sur l'œuf et le sucre, remuer et faire épaissir comme une crème
anglaise. En fin de cuisson, ajouter la fécule et mixer (parce que ça fait des
grumeaux). Ajouter la crème peu à peu à la pâte de noisette en mélangeant pour
la délayer. Laisser refroidir. Ajouter la crème et mélanger. Passer à la
- Le sirop de glucose et l'amidon devraient rendre la glace molle à basse
température, on verra bien si ça marche. EDIT: ça marche.
- La crème mixée (après ajout de fécule) mousse beaucoup, et on dirait que
l'eau se sépare du reste. Il aurait peut-être fallu chauffer à nouveau pour
homogénéiser. Mais le mélange avec la pâte de noisette a permis d'obtenir une
préparation homogène (à peu près).
- Après refroidissement, la crème contenait des grumeaux non identifiés
(graisse des noisettes? mousse restante?) En mélangeant avec la crème au fouet
j'ai réussi à les faire disparaître plus ou moins.
- J'aurais dû laisser la préparation refroidir au frigo avant de la passer à
la sorbetière, elle est restée très molle (et la glace dure qui se colle sur
les parois de la sorbetière avait déjà fondu).
[ Posted on September 25th, 2008 at 23:09 |
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Wednesday, September 24th, 2008
Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Hitchcock ]
Adapted from Wikipedia:
The story involves a fake psychic, Blanche Tyler, and her con artist taxi
driver boyfriend, George Lumley, who attempt to locate the nephew of a wealthy
and guiltridden old woman, Julia Rainbird. Julia, one of Blanche's clients,
was responsible for her now-deceased sister giving up a boy for adoption years
earlier and now wants to make him her heir. She will pay $10,000 if he is
However, the nephew and prospective heir is now a successful jeweler in San
Francisco known as Arthur Adamson, who has a secret and lurid past, having
apparently murdered his adoptive parents and faked his own death. With his
girlfriend Fran, he has successfully kidnapped an assortment of millionaires
and dignitaries, returning them when the ransom, a valuable gemstone, has been
delivered, which they hide in their chandelier.
When Arthur learns that Blanche and George are pursuing him, he suspects the
worst, putting their lives in danger. They first escape a murder attempt by
the man who helped Adamson to kill his adoptive parents. Later George finally
discovers the name of the heir to Julia Rainbird. Since he cannot go and visit
Adamson immediately, Blanche goes by herself and discovers Adamson and his
girlfriend's secret activities. Blanche is kidnapped, but George comes later,
frees her and catch the kidnappers.
[ Posted on September 24th, 2008 at 23:29 |
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Monday, September 22nd, 2008
Categories: [ Beer/Inverlamond ]
“Ossian, Son of Fingal, was a legendary 3rd century Scottish warrior. Sir
Walter Scott wrote:
In this still glen, remote from men,
Sleeps Ossian, in the narrow glen.
… smooth, with distinct nutty tones and fruitiness. First
Gold, Perle and Cascade hops create our unique spicy orange zesty aroma.”
Quite bitter, otherwise just another pale ale. Contains malted barley and
malted wheat.
That's the 100th beer I have tasted and reported.
The Inverlamond Brewery Limited, Perth, Scotland. 4.1% alcohol.
[ Posted on September 22nd, 2008 at 12:25 |
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Sunday, September 21st, 2008
Categories: [ Games ]
The Phar is one Blue Moon people that has been
mentionned (in Emissaries and Allies: Blessings
and in the prologue of the Blue Moon Novel)
but never developed as a deck. Their names derives from “Pharao”, so the
theme will be Egypt-like. If I ever have a wonderful idea about what features
to put in that deck, I'll try to develop it myself.
[ Posted on September 21st, 2008 at 19:09 |
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Categories: [ DIY ]
Gasoline is expensive, at a current price of about 1.50 EUR/L it costs me
currently 950 EUR/year. Especially now that I live closer to work, the
consumption is higher because the trip is so short.
The previous plan was to get an electric car, but it would cost a lot and need
to keep the old car for longer trips (for example I wouldn't trust the e-car
to take us to Tampere, wait 4 weeks on the airport's long-term parking lot and
drive us back home). That means more insurance costs, parking space worries
and so on.
The current plan is to build a recumbent trike
based on one (or two?) old (or new) bycicles. Ready-made devices cost about
2,500 EUR (with one exception at 900 EUR, that's suspicious), home-made may
take years to build (I have to learn welding first, but Reijo would probably
be happy to teach me) but it may cost less than 500 EUR. Such a trike would be
perfect for going to work daily, although coming back from work maybe
difficult without electrical assistance (the hill back home is definitely steep).
Another requirement would be to have a protection from rain and snow, and
ready-made such trikes cost 4500 EUR (5500 EUR with electrical assistance,
that's over 5 years of gasoline at current rate). I have no idea how to build
a hull for a trike (most people building trikes seem to live in countries
where snow and cold is something that happens to other people). Also, it needs
to support an extra seat for a child (this one could be mounted over the back
wheel, but getting it below the hull will be difficult.
[ Posted on September 21st, 2008 at 19:03 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Ice Cream ]
Ma glace faite maison est dure au sortir du congélateur à -18 °C. Parmi les
solutions invoquées pour avoir une glace qu'on n'a pas besoin de laisser
dégeler une demi-heure avant de manger:
- remplacer une partie du sucre par du sirop de glucose/sucre inverti, maximum
25% de la masse totale de sucre
- ajouter de l'amidon, de la gelatine ou de la farine de caroube dans la crème
- ajouter un blanc d'œuf en neige ferme puis un autre simplement battu en
cours de « sorbetisation ».
Les deux derniers servent de stabilisants et empêchent les cristaux de glace
de se rassembler en cristaux plus gros. Le sirop de glucose emprisonne l'eau
et a donc le même effet, même si le mécanisme semble différent (si je me
rappelle bien mes lectures d'Hervé This).
La gomme de caroube (E410 provenant de l'enveloppe de la graine, est
semble-t-il différente de la farine de caroube qui provient de l'intérieur de
la graine) est aussi utilisée comme stabilisant pour les glaces, et pourrait
être remplacée par la gomme de tara ou la gomme de guar (de celles là j'en ai
en stock, mais je n'ai pas de gomme de caroube).
Les glaces industrielles contiennent aussi des carraghénanes, mais à un taux
très faible. L'expérience d'hier avec 3,6g de k-carraghénanes pour 350 mL de
lait et 100g de sucre ont donné un gel (pas mauvais au demeurant, si on
excepte le goût d'omelette dû au fait que j'ai laissé cuire la crème anglaise
trop longtemps). Après quelques recherches, il semble que les carraghénanes
servent à empêcher des interactions entre les protéines du lait et des
polysaccharides (amidon par exemple). Leur action est avérée à partie de
0,015%, j'en ai donc mis dix ou vingt fois trop, d'où la gélification de ma
Prochaine recette à essayer : celle de Chef Simon,
qui combine sirop de glucose et amidon (à travers la fécule ou la farine de
[ Posted on September 21st, 2008 at 18:50 |
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Categories: [ Cooking ]
Composition de l'œuf (balance de cuisine, précision: 2g) :
- masse : 66g
- coquille : 8g
- jaune : 20g
- blanc : 35g
[ Posted on September 21st, 2008 at 18:24 |
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Alors là...
Comment #1, tth (Crissey, France),
October 2nd, 2008 at 16:59
Saturday, September 20th, 2008
Categories: [ Beer/Highgate ]
Just another ale, with a slight metallic taste. Contains malted barley.
Highgate Brewery, Walsall, England. 4.0% alcohol.
[ Posted on September 20th, 2008 at 20:53 |
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Comment #1, Samuel (Paris, France),
September 20th, 2008 at 23:23
Comment #2, Matthieu Weber (Jyväskylä, Finland),
September 22nd, 2008 at 12:22
Thursday, September 18th, 2008
Translation: [ Google ]
Categories: [ Grumbling ]
Nyt kun on taas kesä, kun mennään iltapäivällä ostoksille ostetaan jäätelöitä
välipalaksi. Mutta taas tänä vuonna jäätelötekijät eivät ole ymmärtäneet että
jos pakkauksessa lukee “Suklaa”, pakkauksen sisällä ei pitäisi olla
vaniljajäätelöä. Vanilja on aika hyvää, mutta se ei ole sama kuin suklaa. Ne
ovat helppoja erottaa: suklaajäätelö on ruskeaa, kun taas vaniljajäätelö on
valkoista. Helppo juttu. Tai niin voisi luulla. Monissa Valio-, Ingman- mutta
myös Magnumjäätelöpakkauksissa lukee esim. “suklaa”, “nougat”, “manteli”
jne. mutta pakkauksesta löytyy vain vaniljajäätelöä, jossa on muutama prosenttia
suklaata, nougatpaloja tai mantelia. Jos et usko minua, lue jäätelön
vain koristeessa on kaakaota. Jäätelössä ei ole sitä.
Eikö ole lakia joka kieltaa harhajohtavan mainonnan?
[ Posted on September 18th, 2008 at 13:38 |
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Tuesday, September 16th, 2008
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
From Wikipedia:
Wealthy Mississippian Big Daddy Pollitt celebrates his 65th birthday unaware
that he's dying of cancer. Big Daddy's son Brick is in a childless marriage
with Maggie, a beautiful woman who taunts Brick about his obsession with his
deceased best friend. When the truth about Big Daddy's health is learned,
Brick and his father resolve the issues that have created the tension between
[ Posted on September 16th, 2008 at 22:55 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Ice Cream ]
- 250 mL lait
- 3 oeufs
- 50 g sucre
- 250 mL crème fluide
- 100g pralin mou
Faire crème anglaise (mélanger les oeufs entiers et le sucre, verser le lait
chaud par dessus, faire épaissir à feu doux en remuant sans arrêt).
Delayer le pralin avec la crème anglaise chaude (verser la crème anglaise peu
à peu sur le pralin et mélanger à chaque fois avant de rajouter de la crème).
Lorsque le pralin est suffisamment dilué, verser le mélange dans le reste de
la crème anglaise et mixer pour bien homogénéiser.
Ajouter ensuite la crème fluide et mélanger encore.
Laisser reposer au réfrigérateur pendant 12h, puis passer à la sorbetière.
[ Posted on September 16th, 2008 at 16:13 |
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Categories: [ Science ]
has “real-time” graphical data about temperature, humidity, pressure and wind
speed for Europe (and other parts of the World too). Nice.
Links to maps for
Wind speed.
[ Posted on September 16th, 2008 at 14:21 |
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Categories: [ Blog ]
I implemented menus for the category list, because it was uselessly long.
Items that contain subitems are in bold font. Anyway, indenting subcategories
with non-breakable spaces has been annoying me for a long time, but I never
had a good reason to rewrite the categorytree
module to get rid of them.
It seems that making a menu was a good enough reason.
The mechanism for the menu (using purely CSS) is adapted from Eric Meyer's
Pure CSS Menus. I have no
idea if it works with IE (at the time Meyer implemented his menu in 2002, IE's
CSS engine was too crappy to render them properly), but who cares about IE
users anyway.
[ Posted on September 16th, 2008 at 00:32 |
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Sunday, September 14th, 2008
Categories: [ Beer/Daleside ]
“A blend of chocolate and three dark roasted malts”
Tastes of dark, bitter chocolate, with maybe a hint of fruits. Made of malted
barley and wheat.
Daleside Brewery Limited, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England. 4.0% alcohol.
[ Posted on September 14th, 2008 at 22:03 |
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Saturday, September 13th, 2008
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Adapted from Wikipedia:
Two struggling musicians, Joe and Jerry, witness what looks like the Saint
Valentine's Day massacre of 1929. When the Chicago gangsters, led by ‘Spats’
Columbo spot them, the duo flee for their lives. They manage to leave town by
taking jobs as musicians in an all-girl band headed to Florida. The two
disguise themselves as women, join the band and board a train. Joe and Jerry
both fall for Sugar Kane, the band's sexy vocalist and ukulele player, and
fight for her affection while maintaining their disguises. In Florida, Joe
woos Sugar by assuming a second disguise as a millionaire. An actual
millionaire, Osgood Fielding II, falls for Jerry disguised as a girl. One
night Osgood asks “Jerry” out to his yacht. Joe convinces “Jerry” to keep
Osgood ashore while he goes on the yacht with Sugar. That night Osgood
proposes to “Jerry” who, in a state of excitement, accepts, believing he can
finagle a large settlement from Osgood immediately following their wedding
ceremony. When the mobsters arrive at the same hotel for a conference
honoring “Friends of Italian Opera”, Spats and his gang spot Joe and Jerry.
Jerry, Joe, Sugar, and Osgood eventually escape to the millionaire's yacht.
[ Posted on September 13th, 2008 at 00:03 |
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Friday, September 12th, 2008
Categories: [ Beer/Isle of Skye ]
“named after the famous hills of the Isle of Skye”
Just another ale, slightly bitter, with a kind of sour, none-ripe fruit
aftertaste. Contains malted barley.
The Isle of Skye Brewing Company (Leann an Eilien), Isle of Skye, Scotland.
4.2% alcohol.
[ Posted on September 12th, 2008 at 18:41 |
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Categories: [ Blog ]
I removed the RANDOM spam filter (comparing letter frequences of a comment
with statistics for English, French and Finnish). It wasn't catching much spam
anyway, and the one it did catch was not random, but contained lots of
medicine names, which don't follow the statistical patterns of English, French
or Finnish. And also, it did filter out one legitimate comment where the
author's name was Finnish and the content was in English (thus matching
neither Finnish nor English statistics), which is not nice.
[ Posted on September 12th, 2008 at 16:46 |
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Comment #1, Tuuli Mustasydän (Edmonton, Canada),
September 14th, 2008 at 04:06
Thursday, September 11th, 2008
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Eddings ]
Émouchet décide d'aller récupérer le Bhelliom qu'Aphraël avait jeté dans la
mer. Sur le chemin du retour, il découvre que le Bhelliom, créateur de la
Terre a une consience, et qu'il est prêt à aider Émouchet. Il rencontre aussi
Xanethia, une delphae, dont le peuple a été maudit par son dieu, est devenu
littéralement luisant et la cible des plus horribles histoires populaure, et
vit reclus dans la montagne. Elle accepte d'aider Émouchet en échange de son
aide et de celle du Bhelliom pour sceller à jamais la vallée qui même à son
pays. Xanethia est capable de lire dans les pensées, ce qui aide grandement
les plans d'Ehlana pour rendre le pouvoir en Tamoulie à son empereur. Ensemble
ils déposent le gouvernement et révèlent que le chef de la conspiration est
Zalasta, un styrique amoureux depuis toujours de Séphrénia, la styrique qui a
enseigné la magie aux chevaliers. Comme Séphrénia est entièrement dévouée à
Aphraël dont elle est la grande prêtresse, Zalasta s'est allié à Cyrgon pour
s'approprier le Bhelliom, faisant miroiter à l'ancien dieu la possibilité de
conquérir le monde, Zalasta comptant sur le Bhelliom pour s'assujetir
Séphrénia. Ehlana se fait capturer par les sbires de Zalasta tandis que ce
dernier prend la fuite et que les chevaliers partent à la recherche de ses
[ Posted on September 11th, 2008 at 18:39 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Eddings ]
Afin que la reine Ehlana soit libérée, Émouchet doit se plier aux ordres de
Krager et se faire promener à travers tout le continent. Émouchet et ses
compagnons échangent de visage, ce qui permet à un faux Émouchet de donner le
change tandis que le vrai part de son coté à la recherche de sa femme. En même
temps, les chevaliers de l'Église arrivent d'Éosie et se frottent à un nouvel
adversaire, Klael, l'incarnation de la destruction, frère ennemi du Bhelliom
et qui avait été banni par les dieux au moment de la création du monde.
Zalasta a fait appel à lui après s'être rendu compte que Cyrgon ne saura pas
l'aider. Émouchet retrouve finalement femme, mais Krager l'apprend et la fait
déplacer à Cyrga, la Cité Occulte, au cœur du royaume de Cynesga, cachée
de tous par Cyrgon depuis dix mille ans. Grâce à l'indiscrétion d'un des
alliés de Zalasta, Émouchet apprend comment trouver le chemin de Cyrga. Avec
ses amis il va libérer Ehlana tandis que les chevaliers de l'Église, les
guerriers Atans et même les trolls (dont les dieux veulent se venger de
Zalasta pour avoir volé l'identité de l'un d'entre eux), assiègent la ville.
Le Bhelliom révèle à Émouchet qu'il est son fils, qui a été crée dans
l'attente de l'affrontement entre le Bhelliom et Klael. Émouchet se retrouve
alors doté de pouvoirs supérieurs à ceux des dieux, il affronte Cyrgon en
combat singulier et le bat. Klael quitte ce monde, et Émouchet décide
d'abandonner ses nouveaux pouvoirs afin de rester humain et de ne pas
permettre à ses supérieurs d'être tentés de les utiliser à l'avenir.
[ Posted on September 11th, 2008 at 18:36 |
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Wednesday, September 10th, 2008
Categories: [ Blog ]
A closer look at the spams shows that in the
past 3 weeks, 100% of the comment spam has been caught. The messages that I
needed to moderate manually were all trackback spam. The latter is harder to
spot because there is no form that should be fetched prior to posting and that
could be used for laying traps.
Comment spam represent 64.1% of the spams, whereas trackback spam represents
35.9% (with a total of 139303 spams in 795 days i.e., an average of 175 spams
per day).
Given the amount of legitimate trackback I get (exactly 0 in two years), maybe
I should simply disable it?
[ Posted on September 10th, 2008 at 23:25 |
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Translation: [ Google ]
Categories: [ Grumbling ]
“Koneellisesta hillotuksesta johtuen munkista saattaa puuttua hillo.”
(Elosen sokerimunkkien pakkauksesta)
Eli jos sinulla on hillomunkki jossa ei ole hilloa, se on silti hillomunkki.
Toisin sanoin, kun teet hillomunkkia, et tarvitse hilloa.
[ Posted on September 10th, 2008 at 18:57 |
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Tuesday, September 9th, 2008
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Adapted from Wikipedia:
Holly Golightly meets Paul Varjak, a new tenant in her building. Paul helps
Holly prepare to visit Sing Sing, a weekly routine from which she earns $100
for an hour's conversation with Sally Tomato, an incarcerated mob boss. Holly
does not realize that she is passing coded messages for Sally's drug ring.
Paul is a writer but hasn't been published since 1956. Holly ran away from
home at 14. The next day Paul attends a party at Holly's where he is
introduced to José da Silva Pereira, a handsome, rich Brazilian. Holly, always
trying improve her lifestyle by marrying rich men, plans to marry José,
although she has started a relationshion with Paul. Months later, Paul has
moved out of the brownstone but is visiting Holly, who is leaving the next
morning for Brazil. They go out for dinner and upon returning are arrested in
connection to Sally's dealings with Sally Tomato. Holly spends the night in
jail. Paul picks her up in the morning, along with letter from José in which
he breaks up with Holly because his position won't allow him to marry someone
who has been in jail. Holly still refuses to marry Paul, but finally changes
her mind.
[ Posted on September 9th, 2008 at 23:37 |
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Categories: [ Blog ]
Out of the last 6370 spams, 5798 (91.0%) were blocked based on the IP address of
the sender (IPBLACKLIST).
Out of the other 572, 394 (68.9%) were blocked by a simple trap (COIN, a field
that should be left empty), 83 (14.5%) were blocked because they contained the
same URL more than twice (SAMEURL), 49 (8.57%) had too many urls per word
(TOOMANYURL), 15 (2.62%) were blocked by keyword (KEYWORD), 7 (1.22%) had the
same values for title, blog name and excerpt (SAMETITLE), 5 (0.874%) had more
than 4 URLs pointing to the same server (SAMESERVER), 3 (0.524%) contained
random data (RANDOM, none of them actually did but they were spam nonetheless)
and 2 (0.350%) contained only hex data (HEXDATA).
Overall, 14 spams had to be hand moderated, which makes a false negative
percentage of 0.22%.
The false positives I've had were because of the TOOMANYURL filter, but it
also catches a lot of spams. In most of these, the URLs were not real but made
of random letters.
[ Posted on September 9th, 2008 at 13:02 |
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Saturday, September 6th, 2008
Translation: [ Google ]
Categories: [ Grumbling ]
Miksi kopiokonepaperilla sauna ei sytytetä, mutta sanomalehtipaperilla se
[ Posted on September 6th, 2008 at 17:43 |
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Alors là, je pensais avoir tout vu dans le grand Ternet, mais un type qui blogue le poids d'une coquille d'oeuf, je trouve ça vraiment louche...