The distance l from the TV depends on the desired horizontal viewing angle
a, the screen's diagonal d and the number N of pixels on a row.
Additionally, we will assume the screen's aspect ratio r to be 16:9 and the
human eye's smallest angle that can be
e to be 31.5 arcseconds.
Let R be the ratio between the diagonal and the width of the screen:
R = √(1 + 1/r2)
We can then write a relationship between a, N and e:
tan(a / 2) = NR tan(e / 2) (1)
From (1) we can deduce that for any given e, there is a maximum horizontal
viewing angle amax above which pixels can theoretically be
For N = 1920 (FullHD), amax = 19.1°. With a 4K screen,
amax = 37.2°.
We can also write a relationship between horizontal viewing angle, screen
diagonal and distance:
d / l = 2 R tan(a / 2) (2)
The ideal value or a is a matter of debate,
but THX defines a horizontal viewing angle of at least 36° (the screen viewed
from the rear seat of a THX theatre), while SMPTE suggests 30°. A value of 20°
is also mentioned.
With a 4K screen, amax = 37.2° and (2), we draw that the ideal
distance is 1.30 times the screen's diagonal. For example:
- 132 cm for a 40" screen
- 165 cm for a 50" screen
- 197 cm for a 60" screen
With a = 30°, the ideal screen distance is 1.63 times the
screen's diagonal. For example:
- 132 cm for a 32" screen
- 166 cm for a 40" screen
- 207 cm for a 50" screen
- 248 cm for a 60" screen
With a FullHD screen and a compromise angle a = 20°, the ideal distance is
2.47 times the screen diagonal. For example:
- 201 cm for a 32" screen
- 251 cm for a 40" screen
- 314 cm for a 50" screen
EDIT: The value of e is valid for a high contrast between two pixels. Most
images do not have such a high contrast, and therefore a value of e = 1
arcminute is a reasonnable assumption in practice.
From this follows that for N = 1920 (FullHD), amax = 35.5°
(1.36 times the screen diagonal). With a 4K screen, amax = 65.3°
(0.68 times the screen diagonal). This also gives a reasonnable value for
standard definition PAL TV with N = 1024, amax = 19.4° (2.55
times the screen diagonal).
That would allow for larger horizonat viewing angles, such as 45° (1.05 times
the screen diagonal) or 60° (0.75 times the screen diagonal) when viewing a 4K
screen. At such short distances one must however take into account the
possible lack of comfort due to the physical closeness of smaller screens.
Enola rencontre par hasard Lady Alistair qui semble prisonnière de deux femmes. La jeune fille laisse à Enola un éventail rose sur lequel a été écrit à l'encre sympathique un appel au secours. Enola parvient à découvrir que les femm...