Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Monday, May 25th, 2015


Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Marvel ]



Bruce Banner's father experimented on himeself in the 60s with cell regeneration. He transmitted a mutation to his newborn Bruce, and, imagining the monster his son would become, tried to kill him, but accidentally killed his wife instead. Bruce nowadays works in a genetics research lab, unaware of his real father's background; his father however reveals himself and tells him why he's special and that Bruce should help him complete the experiments that he was conducting in the past before the Army stopped him. After surviving an accidentally exposure to lethal levels of radiation, Bruce transforms under stress into a green giant with an incredible strength and ability to quickly heal. He's eventually captured by the Army, with the help of Bruce's kinda girlfriend (who's the general's daugther). Being experimented on in a secret lab in the desert, Bruce escapes and is chased by the Army and eventually surrenders when he notices the amount of damage he does when out of control as the Hulk. Meanwhile, Bruce's father is also arrested. The general decides they are too dangerous and must be executed. Father and son however start to fight during their last talk before their execution. The father, trying to absorb the Hulk's energy but discovering he cannot handle it, is killed by the army. Bruce is presumed dead as well, but is actually hiding in South America.

[ Posted on May 25th, 2015 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

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