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Mercredi, 3 juillet 2024

Forbidden Knowledge

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Gap Cycle ]

ISBN: 9781473225527

© Amazon.fr

Morn has been rescued by Nick's pirate. The ship's computer expert is killed by Nick for having attempted to rape her just after having boasted that he planted a virus in the ship's computer. Morn, needing to be useful to the ship to avoid being killed, claims she can flush the virus. To bear being raped by Nick, she accidentally sets her zone implant so that she takes pleasure in it, slowly making Nick fall in love with her. Thanks to the device, she also works continuously for days and successfully gets rid of the virus. She also discovers being pregnant (from Angus) but leads Nick to believe he is the father. As a spaceship is no place to rise a child, Nick decides to go to the Amnion outpost and trade some of his blood for getting the baby extracted and artificially grown close to adulthood. As the Amnions cannot create a new mind, the boy, Davies, receives Morn's memories. The Amnions are specialists in genetics and want to mutate humans to turn them into Amnions; until now the process is imperfect and most humans are frightened of them, but as Nick seems to be an agent of UMCP (the mining corporation's all-powerful police) he has access to an anti-mutagenic drug that UMCP has kept a secret. The Amnions notice that Nick has cheated when donating his blood and demand Davies in reparation. As Nick seems willing to agree to that deal, Morn rigs a self-destruct of the ship and threatens to blow up the Amnion's outpost if they don't leave with Davies. The pirate ship manages to leave to a human outpost but an Amnion cruiser blocks their way. Nick has locked Morn in her cabin and has humiliated her as a revenge for manipulating him in multiple ways. He agrees to transfer Davies to the Amnion ship in an escape pod, but Morn manages to escape and change the pod's programming and send it to the human outpost. Nick also sends a secret message to UMCP, who then sends Angus Thermopyle, turned into a cyborg against his will, to capture her.

[ Posté le 3 juillet 2024 à 15:56 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 17 juin 2024

The Real Story

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Gap Cycle ]

ISBN: 9781473225527

© Amazon.fr

Angus Thermopyle is an evil an unsuccessful space pirate. When he enters a bar on a mining space station accompanied with a beautiful young woman, Morn Hyland, the patrons wonder how that happened. Another, better looking pirate, Nick Succorso, confronts Angus and somehow rescues Morn. It sounds like a classical drama of captor, victim and rescuer. The real story however is that Angus was chased by a United Mining Company Police vessel aboard which Morn was serving. Suffering from undiagnosed gap-sickness, she lost control and provoked the vessel to self-destruct. Angus rescued her, installed a zone implant in her brain (for which he could be executed if caught) to control her actions and prevent her from destroy his beloved ship, and used the implant to torture Morn into submission to him. He however unexpectedly grew emotionally attached to her. When Nick leaves suddenly the station to raid a ship in distress just before it is locked down, Angus, who has been monitoring his communications, follows him. Th ship however does not exist, it is all a trap set by Nick with the complicity of someone in station security. Nick cripples Angus' ship, and flies slowly back to the station. There Nick makes secretely contact with Morn who helps him frame Angus for stealing stations supplies. She negotiates the zone implant's remote control from Angus in exchange for her silence about the illegal installation of the device. Morn leaves in Nick's ship and Angus is arrested but his life is spared, making Morn his rescuer.

[ Posté le 17 juin 2024 à 18:06 | 1 commentaire | ]