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Sunday, July 31st, 2011

L'Orbe de Xaraz

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Naheulbeuk ]

ISBN: 9782290025994

© Amazon.fr

Au début de ce deuxième roman du Donjon de Naheulbeuk, l'Elfe meurt dans un accident idiot, et les aventuriers se rendent à Waldorg, la cité des magiciens, afin de trouver quelqu'un qui pourra la réssuciter. Une fois l'Elfe ramenée à la vie, ils sont contactés par une femme, Morwynn, qui leur propose une quête pour s'appropier l'orbe de Xaraz dans un donjon urbain à Glargh, quartier général des prêtres de Slanoush. Ce qu'elle ne leur dit pas, c'est qu'elle compte sur eux pour se faire attraper, la grande prêtresse de Slanoush étant particulièrement redoutable. Cette dernière trouvera sur eux un parchemin falsifié qui incriminera une autre religion, et provoquera suffisamment de remous politique pour diminuer l'influence politique de Glargh sur la Terre de Fangh. Les aventuriers retournent à Glargh, mais entrent dans le mauvais donjon, ce dernier, encore en construction, appartient au cousin de Zangdar (ce dernier est aussi sur place, son cousin devant lui apprendre à mieux contrôler ses sorts). Les aventuriers n'ont aucun mal à prendre l'orbe qui y est cachée. Pendant ce temps, Morwynn, lasse d'attendre que les aventuriers entrent dans le donjon, y envoie un homme de main qui se fait prendre. Lorsque les aventuriers sortent de leur donjon, ils se retrouvent mêlés à une poursuite entre Morwynn et les prêtres de Slanoush, et sont eux-mêmes poursuivis par Zangdar et son cousin. La poursuite se termine dans le stade de Brute-Ball, juste avant le début de la rencontre annuelle entre Waldorg et Glargh. Suite au déferlement de magie provoqué par Zangdar et des prêtres, l'orbe se met à briller, et finit par donner naissance au Katakak, un monstre hideux qui commence à manger tous les spectateurs du stade. Le monstre meurt heureusement d'indigestion et les aventuriers parviennent à s'enfuir.

[ Posted on July 31st, 2011 at 22:37 | 1 comment | ]

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Belhaven Fruit Beer

Categories: [ Beer/Belhaven ]


“grain and fruit basket of Scotland hasn been plundered to produce this traditional fruit flavoured beer.”

Smells and tastes of read fruits, but much less than the usual fruit-flavoured Belgian beers. Contains malted barley.

Belhaven Brewery Company Ltd., Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland. 4.6% alcohol.

[ Posted on July 28th, 2011 at 19:10 | no comment | ]

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Friday, July 22nd, 2011

The Gathering Storm

Categories: [ Books/Wheel of Time ]

ISBN: 9781841492322

© Amazon.fr

Twelfth book of the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, published in 2009. In this book, Rand, who had made a Forsaken prisoner, is almost made prisoner by this foe and (unsuccessfully) coerced into strangling Min, but escapes by accessing a new, unknown source of power; the event makes hime turn even harder and pityless. He also attempts to make peace with the Seanchan, not to have them attacking his rear while he fights the Dark One, but Tuon refuses. Aviendha is finally accepted as an Aiel Wise One. Egwene, in the White Tower, manages to turn many influential Aes Sedai against their tyrannical ruler, and eventually, after a raid by the Seanchan, reunites all Aes Sedai and is chosen as Amyrlin Seat. She also obtains information about the Black Ajah (from an Aes Sedai who joined the Black to study it) and especially a list of Black Aes Sedai, which she uses to purge the White Tower. In the end, Rand finally understands why he has to (probably) die facing the Dark One, even though Lews Therin had done it (and failed) in the previous Age: the world gets a second chance, and love can make the events turn differently from the previous time. Lews Therin's voice disappears from his head and Rand laughs again for the first time.

[ Posted on July 22nd, 2011 at 22:55 | no comment | ]

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Monday, July 18th, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Harry Potter ]



Conclusion to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

Harry and his friends have rescued Griphook from the clutches of Voldemort, and now ask him to help them break into Beatrix Lestrange's vault at Gringotts. They find another horcrux, made from Helga Hufflepuf's cup, which they destroy as soon as they have escaped from Gringott, flying away on its guarding dragon. They then return to Hogwarts, where a vision of Voldermort's told Harry that another horcrux is hidden there. They guess it is Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, which had been lost for centuries. Harry's return seeds a revolt in the school, which is soon attacked by the Deatheaters. Thanks to the ghost of Rowena's daughter, Harry understands that the diadem is in the room of requirements, and manages to get it and destroy it. The attack on the school is terrible, and Voldermort calls off the attack but asks Harry to surrender. While looking for Voldemort's snake Nagini (which is the last horcrux), the three heroes witness Voldemort killing Snape for the control of the Elder wand, but Snape still manages to give some memories to Harry. The latter thus learns that Snape had been in love with his mother for a long time, and had always been working for Dumbledore. He also learns that when Voldemort failed to kill him as a baby, a piece of his soul went into Harry, making him a horcrux as well ; Harry must thus die for Voldemort to be able to be killed. Harry then meets Voldemort, but doesn't really die when hit by the latter's curse: instead, he discusses with Dumbledore in some kind of limbo. When Voldermort and his troops enter a devastated Hogwarts carrying Harry's body, the latter escapes and eventually duels with Voldemort. Neville Longbottom, who had found Griffindor's sword in the sorting hat (that was lying among the rubble), kills Nagini, rendering Voldemort mortal. The latter's curse rebounds on him, finally killing him. Harry catches the Elder wand and decides to destroy it. In the epilogue, nineteen years later, Harry and Ginny's kids, accompanied by Ron and Hermione's board the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross Station.

[ Posted on July 18th, 2011 at 21:32 | no comment | ]

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Friday, July 15th, 2011

Panique en Atlantique

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics/Spirou ]

ISBN: 9782800147383

© Amazon.fr

Spirou et Fantasio s'embarquent sur un paquebot, le premier comme groom et le deuxième comme paparazzi. Ils y rencontrent le comte de Champignac qui a mis au point un pistolet qui gèle l'eau instantanément. Spirou apprend que le paquebot est équipé d'une bulle de protection qui se déclenche en cas de choc (de même que l'autre navire de la même compagnie, mystérieusement disparu une semaine auparavant). Le comte est équipé d'une version portable de la bulle et se rend compte que cette dernière ne flotte pas. Peu après, le navire touche une algue en mer des Sargasses et coule dans sa bulle, non loin de l'autre paquebot. En utilisant le pistolet réfrigérant, Spirou forme une bulle de glace autour du premier navire, puis un tunnel pour rejoindre le second. Après de nombreuses péripéties liées au manque de nourriture, Spirou et le comte renflouent les deux navires (la glace étant plus légère que l'eau, il suffit de détacher la bulle de glace du fond marin en faisant vibrer cette dernière à l'aide des moteurs des navires.

Lu à la fnac

[ Posted on July 15th, 2011 at 20:02 | no comment | ]

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Thursday, July 14th, 2011

5 ans

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

5 ans de blog, 914 messages (plus 73 dans le microblog), 371 commentaires et 209900 spams.

[ Posted on July 14th, 2011 at 22:27 | no comment | ]

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Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

L'autre monde, cycle II, tome 1

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics ]

ISBN: 9782205065305

© Amazon.fr

Premier tome du deuxième cycle, publié en 2011.

L'autre monde est le prototype de notre monde, où le ciel est réellement une toile noire sur lequel les étoiles sont accrochées et où les enfants sont apportés par des cigognes. Un soir, tous les chats disparaissent, le lendemain les enfants, attirés par une créature jouant de la flûte sont apperçus marchant vers un trou dans la terre. Le Brigadier du village et Jan, voyageur de notre monde arrivé dans l'autre monde dans le cycle précédent, sont mordus par la créature. Le lendemain, la Mort vient les chercher et les conduit vers le trou. Ils y déscendent, se perdent, remontent au hasard et arrivent à une chateau qui se révèle plein de vampires. Un très vieux vampire les aide à s'échapper. Mais en même temps, Blanche, la compagne de Jan, décide de partir à sa recherche, après que le professeur lui ait révélé que ce trou est la porte des Enfers.

[ Posted on July 13th, 2011 at 23:26 | 1 comment | ]

Le piège machiavélique

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics ]

ISBN: 9782205058437

© Amazon.fr

Philip reçoit une lettre posthume du professeur Miloch qui lui lègue (pour la deuxième fois) son héritage scientifique. Il s'agit en fait d'un piège (déguisé en manège pour enfants) qui propulse les deux héros dans un monde parallèle où leurs alter-egos n'exercent pas les mêmes professions et se connaissent même pas. Ils découvrent que l'alter-ego d'Olrik est sur le point d'épouser la reine dans le but de devenir le maître du monde. Les deux héros font échouer le plan au moment où le mariage va être prononcé. Ils tentent ensuite de rentrer dans leur monde et y parviennent finalement, au détail près que dans celui où ils arrivent, Philip est marié.

[ Posted on July 13th, 2011 at 23:11 | no comment | ]

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Saturday, July 9th, 2011


Categories: [ IT ]

I followed my dream, and I wrote the Automatic Transparent Syntax HIghlighting software.

I have files (mainly source code) put as-is on my web site. Those files can be browsed with a regular web browser, and Apache's internal file indexing is used for accessing the directory structure. When the user requests a (source code) file of a known type, it would be nice to highlight the syntax. atshi.php does just that, automatically (no need for the webmaster to manipulate the files) and transparently (the user doesn't know a PHP program is being executed).

You can view the code, highlighted by itself of course (recursive computing is fun). It expects to be called as /path/to/atshi.php/path/to/example.pl and uses the PATH_INFO variable to find the path to the file to be displayed (in the example above, example.pl). It uses the GeSHi library for the actual syntax coloring (which is therefore a dependency), and theoretically supports any file format/programming language supported by GeSHi. In practice however, ATSHi detects the files that it should highlight (source code must be highlighted, but .tar.gz or .jpg must not) by checking first the filename's extension, or, if the file doesn't have one, checking the “magic header” (the one starting with #!) followed by the name of the interpreter. It also recognizes the filename Makefile. If it's unable to recognize the file, it simply sends its content (with proper Content-Type header) to the browser and lets the latter deal with it. Finally, the highlighted version also provides a link at the top of the page for downloading the raw file (atshi.php sends the raw file instead of the highlighted version when you append “?src” to the URL).

But this was all quite a simple job, and even if it was my first PHP program, it was quite simple (PHP is an horrible language, but the doc is good, which helped a lot). The real problem was getting Apache doing my bidding. Here's a sample of the .htaccess I use:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ˆlatex/latex.css - [L]
RewriteRule ˆpoppikone/poppikone.css - [L]
RewriteCond /home/mweber/weber.fi.eu.org/www/$1 -f
RewriteRule ˆ((software|leffakone|poppikone|latex)/.*)$ /atshi/atshi.php/$1

The two top RewriteRule (with the L flag) prevent ATSHi from highlighting the stylesheets used in the corresponding directories (those stylesheets must be sent as-is to the browser). The bottom RewriteRule actually catches specific paths and rewrite the URL using atshi.php. Finally, the RewriteCond just above allows rewriting only if the path (identified as $1 when the regexp in the RewriteRule below is evaluated) is a regular file (highlighting directories doesn't make sense, does it?); note that you must put an absolute path in the condition.

The difficult part here was not really to get the URL rewriting properly written (although mentioning the absolute path trick in Apache's doc would have been nice). The really difficult part was to find out that the bloody Firefox always looks in its cache instead of asking the server if something has changed. So after making a change, Firefox still didn't show what was supposed to be showing… Erasing the cache before every test is therefore a must.

[ Posted on July 9th, 2011 at 20:01 | 2 comments | ]

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Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Syntax Coloring

Categories: [ IT ]

I had a dream last night, where I added automatic syntax coloring to the source code files that can be found on my website. These are currenty simply put in directories and accessible through the web server, and colors would make them more readable (I'm not sure anyone is reading those, but who cares).

The idea would be to use Apache's URL rewrite engine to serve a CGI/PHP/something page that reads the source code and spits out an HTML version with colors and whatnot.

I just found GeSHi, a tool written in PHP that does exactly that. It shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

[ Posted on July 6th, 2011 at 13:18 | 1 comment | ]

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

Oksa Pollock 3 : Le coeur des deux mondes

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Oksa Pollock ]

ISBN: 9782845634633

© Amazon.fr

Troisième volume des aventures d'Oksa Pollock

Les Sauve-Qui-Peut partent délivrer Marie sur l'île d'Orthon. Les circonstances les poussent à former une alliance avec les Félons, ces derniers ayant en leur possession l'objet qui permet d'ouvrir le portail vers Edelfia, mais seuls les Sauve-Qui-Peut savent où ce dernier se trouve. Au cours de leur séjour, Gus transmet à Oksa la maladie qu'une morsure de Chiroptère d'Orthon lui avait infligée. Cette maladie provoque de fortes douleurs jusqu'à la puberté, et Orthon leur donne un remède temporaire qui les fait vieillir instantanément pour passer ce cap. Mais ils ont tous deux besoin du remède qui ne peut être produit qu'à Edelfia, car il nécessite un composé produit par les Diaphans lorsque ces derniers absorbent les sentiments amoureux d'une personne. Le Foldingot de Dragomira révèle que le portail s'ouvrira dans 12 jours dans le désert de Gobi. Les Sauve-Qui-Peut et les Félons s'y rendent tant bien que mal malgré les catastrophes naturelles, mais seuls les Du-Dedans peuvent entrer, au prix de la mort de Dragomira. Gus et Marie, entre autres, restent à l'extérieur et finissent par rentrer à Londres. À Edelfia, les Sauve-Aui-Peut sont arrêtés par les gens d'Ocious, le père d'Orthon, qui règne en dictateur et aui rève d'envahir Du-Dehors ; il a besoin qu'Oksa soit intronisée Gracieuse pour rouvrir le passage. Oksa est guérie par Ocious grâce au dernier Diaphan d'Edelfia et du sacrifice des sentiments de Zoé envers Gus, ce qui déprime fortement Oksa et empêche l'ouverture de la Chambre de la Pèlerine, nécessaire à son intronisation. Oksa rencontre alors Dragomira, devenue Sans-Âge, qui lui montre que sa mère et Gus vont bien, ce qui lui redonne du courage.

[ Posted on July 3rd, 2011 at 22:50 | 1 comment | ]

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

The Seven Per-Cent Solution

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



Sherlock Holmes has become addict to cocaine and is delusional about his former math tutor, Professor Moriarty, being the mind being organized crime in London. With the help of Sherlock's brother Mycroft, Watson lures Holmes to Austria to meet with Sigmund Freud, who has had success in treating patients with an addiction to cocaine. After a few days, Holmes is better, and accompanies Freud to visit another patient of his, Lola Deveraux, who just threw herself into the river. Holmes discovers that Lola had been kidnapped and forced to take cocaine again. Soon after, she disappears from the hospital with no trace of struggle, and Holmes deduces that she was abducted by her lover, Baron von Leinsdorf. By catching the Baron's provider of cocaine, they learn that the latter has contracted lots of debts in Monte Carlo. The debts have been bought by the shah of the Ottoman empire, who wanted to Lola Deveraux for his harem in exchange. Holmes, Watson and Freud follow the shah's train with a train they borrowed and eventually manage to catch the shah. Holms kills the Baron in a duel and saves Lola. Before leaving, Freud hyptnotizes Holmes and the latter reveals that when he was a child, he had witnessed his father killing his mother because she had an affair with Moriarty. In the end, Holmes takes a holiday and when Watson asks him what he should tell his readers about that story, he answers that Watson should pretend Holmes was killed in a fight against Moriarty.

[ Posted on July 2nd, 2011 at 13:41 | no comment | ]

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