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Dimanche, 17 août 2008

Lia Fail

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Inverlamond ]


“Lia Fail is Gaelic for Stone of Destiny, which for centuries was the coronation stone of the Kings of the Scots. Taken from its Perthshire home at Scone in 1296 by Edward I, it was finally returned to Edinburgh Castle in 1996. … A dark beer with a well balanced sweetness, malt anc chocolate tones. Challenger, Fuggles and Cascade hops produce a rich and spicy aroma with a balanced bitterness and full-bodied flavour.”

Quite sweet, only slightly bitter. Tastes of some kind of dried fruits, maybe, otherwise just another dark ale. Contains malted barley and malted wheat.

The Inverlamond Brewery Limited, Perth, Scotland. 4.7% alcohol.              

[ Posté le 17 août 2008 à 15:12 | pas de commentaire | ]

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