Microblog : A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7 jun à 22:52] [R]

Lundi, 22 septembre 2008


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Inverlamond ]


“Ossian, Son of Fingal, was a legendary 3rd century Scottish warrior. Sir Walter Scott wrote:

In this still glen, remote from men,
Sleeps Ossian, in the narrow glen.

… smooth, with distinct nutty tones and fruitiness. First Gold, Perle and Cascade hops create our unique spicy orange zesty aroma.”

Quite bitter, otherwise just another pale ale. Contains malted barley and malted wheat.

That's the 100th beer I have tasted and reported.

The Inverlamond Brewery Limited, Perth, Scotland. 4.1% alcohol.

[ Posté le 22 septembre 2008 à 12:25 | pas de commentaire | ]

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