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Friday, May 22nd, 2009

15 Minutes Microwave Chocolate Cake 4

Categories: [ Cooking ]

Adapted from the 15 Minutes Microwave Chocolate Cake 3


  • 100g dark chocolate
  • 100g butter
  • 100g powdered sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 65g flour
  • 2.2g (1 half tea spoon ?) baking powder


  • salad bowl that goes to the microwave
  • (wooden) spoon


Put the chocolate broken in pieces into the salad bowl with the butter cut in cubes. Heat for 1 min in the microwave. Stir well until all the butter has melted. Add the sugar and stir. Add the eggs one by one, and stir well after each egg. Add the flour in a small heap on the top of the preparation, add the baking powder on top of it and stir the preparation in small circles next to the heap of flour. The flour will be incoroporated bit by bit without making lumps. When most of the flour is incorporated, stir by making large circles again.

Put the salad bowl with the preparation in the microwave and cook at maximum power for 5 min at 900 W (or 6 1/2 min at 700 W). The cake is ready when a knife's blade stuck into the cake comes out clean. Leave the cake to cool down. You can alternatively turn the salad bowl upside-down on a plate to unmould it while it's still hot; the cake won't come off easily, but the taste remains the same :)


  • The cake is quite light and not rubbery
  • The baking powder was not the ingredient that was influencing the rubberiness, so it must be the cream (probably the water in the cream)

[ Posted on May 22nd, 2009 at 11:27 | no comment | ]

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