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Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

Love Hina

Categories: [ TV/Anime ]


© Amazon.ca

I just watched the four first episodes yesterday, subtitled in Finnish. It was pretty easy to understand, but then again, the story is not of the difficult kind: a guy moves in as the janitor of a home for young girls, pretending to be a student (whereas he already failed twice the test for entering the university of Tokio). At the same time, he remembers that when he was a small boy he made a promise to his sweetheart to meet again at the university of Tokio. He didn't remember the name of the girl, though but surprise, surprise! she's one of the girls living the the home.

Nice to watch because it's so easy to follow, but it really looks like as series for post-teen geek boys who fantasize on finding a girlfriend but have no clue as how to do it.

[ Posted on August 15th, 2006 at 14:40 | no comment | ]

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