Microblog : A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7 jun à 22:52] [R]

Dimanche, 11 septembre 2022

The Navigator

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Buster Keaton ]



Rollo, a wealthy man, proposes to his neighbour Betsy, but she refuses. He then decides to go alone on the honeymoon cruise, and because he does not want to get up early, boards the ship the night before departure. He however boards the wrong ship, that happens to just have been sold by Betsy's father to a small country at war. Betsy's father boards the ship to get back some papers that were left onboard, just as enemy agents of that country set the ship adrift. The father is captured, and Betsy boards the ship when she hears him cry for help just before it gets cut loose. Rollo and Betsy are then stranded at sea and learn to survive with the food found in the kitchen. The ship eventually grounds itself and springs a leak near an inhabited tropical island. Using a diving suit found aboard, Rollo dives to repair the ship, but Betsy is captured by the natives. Rollo scares them of when he emerges from the ocean and brings Betsy back to the ship. The natives then attack and board the ship, Rollo and Betsy fight them back with fireworks, then escape on a dinghy that starts to sink. They are saved by a submarine that surfaces just in the nick of time.

[ Posté le 11 septembre 2022 à 11:57 | pas de commentaire | ]

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