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Mardi, 21 juin 2011

Police Academy 3: Back in Training

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Police Academy ]



The gorvernor wants to close one of the two police academies, based on the verdict of an evaluation comity. Commandant Lassard asks Mahoney and his friends to come back and train the new recruits. Commandant Mauser (the antagonist from the previous installment), head of the other academy, tries to get Lassard to lose by sending two of his own staff to Lassard's academy. The cadets are quite hopeless, and earn many negative points to Lassard's academy. Eventually, the governor askes representative cadets of both academies to accompany him to a party at the marina, where they are attacked by gangsters disguised as waiters. Lassard's cadet manages to call Mahoney for help, the new recruits come with him to the rescue, and save the governor from kidnapping. Lassard's academy is finally kept running.

[ Posté le 21 juin 2011 à 21:04 | pas de commentaire | ]

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