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Samedi, 30 novembre 2013

Get Smart

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Maxwell Smart, analyst for the CONTROL intelligence agency finally becomes field agent 86 when all active agents have been compromised. With his partner Agent 99, they investigate a traffic of uranium by the criminal organisation KAOS leading them to a (fake) bakery in Moscow. Smart destroys the bakery but further investigation by the famous Agent 23 shows no trace of uranium or wrongdoing. Smart is put into prison under the accusation of being a double agent. When he hears on the radio a message addressed covertly to him by an agent of KAOS who had helped them escape from the bakery that KAOS would plant a bomb in L.A., he escapes and goes there where he convinces his boss and 99 that hs is not the double agent, and finds proof that it is actually 23. A car chase ensues, 86 and 99 trying to recover the bomb's remote control from 23. They eventually prevent the bomb from exploding, and Max is definitly accepted as a field agent.

[ Posté le 30 novembre 2013 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

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