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Dimanche, 24 mars 2024

Murder on the Orient Express

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Poirot solves a theft in Jerusalem and then takes a boat to Istanbul where he is asked to go to London to solve another case. Thanks to his friend Bouc, he gets to board the Orient Express, where he meets his fellow passengers. Amongst them is Ratchett who asks Poirot to be his bodyguard, but the detective refuses. During the night, the train is blocked by snow. Ratchett is found dead the next morning from a dozen stab wounds. A partially burnt note reveals that Ratchett was in reality Cassetti, the kidnapper and murderer of Daisy Armstrong, a small child whose death in America a few years earlier lead to the death of both her parents. Poirot discovers evidence planted in his personal effects and eventually discovers that all the passengers have a link to Daisy Armstrong, to the maid who was convicted instead of Cassetti or to the prosecutor who was pressured into convicting the maid. All have a motive to kill Cassetti, and Poirot concludes that they all participated in the crime; one of them, Daisy's grandmother, admits she planned the murder and recruited the others. Concluding that justice is impossible in this case, and against his principles, Poirot lies to the Yugoslavian police after the train is freed from the snow and has reached the next town. Poirot does not continue his journey to London, as he is contacted by the British authorities who ask him to investigate a death on the nile.

[ Posté le 24 mars 2024 à 12:11 | pas de commentaire | ]

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