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Mercredi, 23 août 2006

A Perfect Murder

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]

Spoiler: do not read if you don't want to know!


© IMDB.com

A remake of Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder. A rich (but soon to be ruined) husband wants to kill his wife in order to inherit her fortune. He pays his wife's lover (who has seduced her only to take her money) to murder her. The lover hires a former prison mate of his to kill the woman. The killer fails and gets killed in self-defense by the woman. The woman then discovers several clues that her husband is actually the one who tries to get rid of her, while the lover tries to blackmail the husband. The husband kills the lover while he tries to flee with the blackmail money, and the wife eventually kills her husband in self-defense when he discovers that she knows about his plot.

[ Posté le 23 août 2006 à 00:49 | pas de commentaire | ]

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