Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010


Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



During Fashion Week in Paris, many characters related to the world of fashion cross paths:

  • Olivier de la Fontaine is found dead in his car. Sergio, who secretely contacted him and swho was with him in the car is suspected of murder. Sergio is a former lover of de la Fontaine's wife, whom he had not seen in a long time. They eventually meet.
  • Simone Lowenthal is de la Fontaine's lover, and head of an atelier of haute couture. When her son sells the atelier (which is bankrupt) to a texan bootmaker, she gets her models to walk naked, as a symbol of her retirement from the world of fashion.
  • Anne Eisenhower and Joe Flynn both lost their luggage, and since the former reserved the hotel room the latter was supposed to leave but eventually didn't since he was asked to stay and cover the newsstory of the murder of de la Fontaine, they share the room and stay there.
  • Milo O'Brannigan a photograph is hunted by the editors of three fashion magazines. But when the three women try to beg/seduce him into signing for their paper, he takes pictures of them. As a revenge, they steal his fashion negatives and he then must negotiate.

[ Posted on August 22nd, 2010 at 23:45 | 3 comments | ]

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is futility evil ?

Comment #3, tth (Montpellier, France), August 25th, 2010 at 12:17

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