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Thursday, March 5th, 2015

Local Debian Repository

Categories: [ IT ]

Since I built a customized Debian package I could as well have my own repository. I started from this tutorial but it's a bit out of date and has a dead link to the reprepro short-howto, so here's a record of what I did.

First, you will need to install the reprepro package.

Then, choose a place where to put your repository (I chose my $HOME). Origin, Label and Description are free-form fields. Codename is the same as my current Debian version, and Architectures matches the architectures I'm using. Then run:
mkdir -p packages/debian/conf
cd packages/debian
cat <<EOF > conf/distributions
Origin: Matthieu
Label: Mathieu's Personal Debs
Codename: wheezy
Architectures: i386 amd64 source
Components: main
Description: Matthieu's Personal Debian Repository
SignWith: yes
DebOverride: override.wheezy
DscOverride: override.wheezy
cat <<EOF > conf/options
basedir .
touch conf/override.wheezy
Now's the time to add the packages. Since SignWith was set to yes in the conf/distributions file, your GPG key will be used for signing the manifest files.
reprepro -Vb . includedeb wheezy  /src/evilvte_0.5.1-1+custom_amd64.deb
reprepro -Vb . includedsc wheezy  /src/evilvte_0.5.1-1+custom.dsc
Next configure your system to use the newly created repository by adding to your /etc/apt/sources.list (replace $HOME with the actual path to your repository):
deb file:$HOME/packages/debian/ wheezy main
deb-src file:$HOME/packages/debian/ wheezy main
Add your GPG key to apt's keyring (replacing KEY-ID with the one of the GPG key that was used when adding the packages earlier):
gpg -a  – export KEY-ID | sudo apt-key add -
You can now run apt-get update and it should pick the content of your local repository. You can check that it is indeed the case:
apt-cache showpkg evilvte
Package: evilvte
0.5.1-1+custom …
0.5.1-1 …

[ Posted on March 5th, 2015 at 23:19 | no comment | ]

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