Microblog : A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7 jun à 22:52] [R]

Samedi, 20 septembre 2008

England's Glory

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Highgate ]


Just another ale, with a slight metallic taste. Contains malted barley.

Highgate Brewery, Walsall, England. 4.0% alcohol.

[ Posté le 20 septembre 2008 à 20:53 | 2 commentaires | ]

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I have, I even mentionned it in http://users.jyu.fi/~mweber/blog/2008/09/19#ossian . But numbers also show that I have tasted 40 beers in the past year, 60 in the year before that. Next year I should then taste only 20 beers, and then 10 the year after that. This will eventually reach infinity, but it will take a long time :) Beer makers are probably invent new recipes faster than that.

I'm not sure, the content is still in the "description" tag of the RSS feed, I haven't changed that at all.

Commentaire N° 2, Matthieu Weber (Jyväskylä, Finlande) le 22 septembre 2008 à 12:22

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