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Jeudi, 20 mai 2010

Dice Tower Blueprints

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bricolage ]


Some years ago, I designed and built a dice tower. I considered releasing proper drawings, but I didn't have a real incentive to do it. Recently, I've been asked if I could draw more readable blueprints than the original paper-and-pen isometric view.

Well, that's done then. The blueprints are now available in PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Only the core of the tower is drawn there, you need to build a shell around it.

[ Posté le 20 mai 2010 à 22:39 | 5 commentaires | ]

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My pleasure :)

Commentaire N° 2, Matthieu Weber (Jyväskylä, Finlande) le 25 mai 2010 à 20:53

I suppose you mean the picture at http://weber.fi.eu.org/blog/images/Dice_Tower_Pieces.jpg

On that picture, from left to right, you have columns A, D, C and B. Does it help?

Commentaire N° 4, Matthieu Weber (Jyväskylä, Finlande) le 12 août 2011 à 11:56

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