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Lundi, 16 avril 2007

Which Discworld Character are you like?

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You scored as Carrot Ironfounderson. You are Captain Carrot Ironfounderson of the City Watch in the greatest city on the Disc: Ankh-Morprok! A truly good natured, honest guy, who knows everyone, and is liked by all. Technically a dwarf, but only by adoption. You'd rather not be reminded that you are the true heir to the throne, but that does explain why people naturally follow your orders…

  • Carrot Ironfounderson: 50%
  • Gytha (Nanny) Ogg: 50%
  • Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax: 38%
  • The Librarian: 38%
  • Lord Havelock Vetinari: 38%
  • Cohen The Barbarian: 25%
  • Commander Samuel Vimes: 25%
  • Death: 19%
  • Rincewind: 13%
  • Greebo: 13%
Which Discworld Character are you like (with pics)

Thank you Samuel

[ Posté le 16 avril 2007 à 14:35 | 1 commentaire | ]

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You're welcome :-)

Commentaire N° 1, Samuel (Nancy, France) le 16 avril 2007 à 15:20

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