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Monday, July 18th, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Harry Potter ]



Conclusion to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

Harry and his friends have rescued Griphook from the clutches of Voldemort, and now ask him to help them break into Beatrix Lestrange's vault at Gringotts. They find another horcrux, made from Helga Hufflepuf's cup, which they destroy as soon as they have escaped from Gringott, flying away on its guarding dragon. They then return to Hogwarts, where a vision of Voldermort's told Harry that another horcrux is hidden there. They guess it is Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, which had been lost for centuries. Harry's return seeds a revolt in the school, which is soon attacked by the Deatheaters. Thanks to the ghost of Rowena's daughter, Harry understands that the diadem is in the room of requirements, and manages to get it and destroy it. The attack on the school is terrible, and Voldermort calls off the attack but asks Harry to surrender. While looking for Voldemort's snake Nagini (which is the last horcrux), the three heroes witness Voldemort killing Snape for the control of the Elder wand, but Snape still manages to give some memories to Harry. The latter thus learns that Snape had been in love with his mother for a long time, and had always been working for Dumbledore. He also learns that when Voldemort failed to kill him as a baby, a piece of his soul went into Harry, making him a horcrux as well ; Harry must thus die for Voldemort to be able to be killed. Harry then meets Voldemort, but doesn't really die when hit by the latter's curse: instead, he discusses with Dumbledore in some kind of limbo. When Voldermort and his troops enter a devastated Hogwarts carrying Harry's body, the latter escapes and eventually duels with Voldemort. Neville Longbottom, who had found Griffindor's sword in the sorting hat (that was lying among the rubble), kills Nagini, rendering Voldemort mortal. The latter's curse rebounds on him, finally killing him. Harry catches the Elder wand and decides to destroy it. In the epilogue, nineteen years later, Harry and Ginny's kids, accompanied by Ron and Hermione's board the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross Station.

[ Posted on July 18th, 2011 at 21:32 | no comment | ]

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