Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Star Wars ]
On the Sith planet Exegol, Palpatine has been maintained alive and reveals to Kylo Ren his secret armada of Star Destroyers. He orders Kylo to go and kill Rey. In the meanwhile, the rebels learn about Palpatine's presence on Exegol. Rey, Poe, Finn and their friends leave for Pasaana where Luke's search for Exegol had ended. They meet Lando Calrissian who tells them they need a Sith wayfinder to find Exegol. They then discover, in the remains of a Jedi hunter ship, a Sith dagger on which C-3PO reads the location of the wayfinder. Kylo's men however take the dagger. Since C-3PO's programming forbids him to translate Sith languages, they go to Kijimi to get a hacker read the droid's memory and learn that the wayfinder is on the wreck of the Deathstar on Endor's moon Kef Bir. Rey and her friends infiltrate Kylo's Star Destroyer and recover the dagger; she also confronts Kylo who reveals that she's Palpatine's granddaughter. On Kef Bir, she fails to obtain the wayfinder, confronts Kylo again and eventually turns him away from the Dark Side (with the influence of Leia' dying spirit and a memory of his father, Solo, Kylo becomes Ben Solo again). She leaves the moon with Kylo's ship (which also contains a wayfinder) and exiles herself to Ahch-To after having had a vision of herself on Palpatine's throne. The spirit of Luke convinces her to confront Palpatine, and she leaves for Exegol with Luke's X-Wing. Rey then sends the Resistance a message with the coordinates of Exegol and she confronts Palpatine.