Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Sunday, June 16th, 2019


Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



Soon after twelve extraterrestial ships have landed all over the World, linguist Louise Banks is hired by the US Army to translate the aliens's speech. She instead decides to communicate with them in writing and after several months, starts to understand the Heptapods' ring-shaped glyphs that represent whole sentences and seem to have no concept of time. While doing so, Louise also gets vision of her daughter who is not yet born. In the meanwhile, other countries also learn the language with methods of their own, and because of the confusion between “tool” and “weapon”, the Chinese stop cooperating with the rest of the World, soon imitated by several other countries. In addition, some American soldiers independently attempt to destroy the ship, triggering the Heptapods to move their ship in a menacing way. As war seems inevitable, Louise learns from the Heptapods that learning their language changes her brain and gives her the ability to remember the future. In that future, she sees the Chinese general thanking her for changing his mind and giving her the detail of how it had happened. As the military is packing up the temporary base, Louise steals a satellite phone and calls the general. The war is averted and the aliens leave in peace, announcing that they will need the humans' help in three thousand years.

[ Posted on June 16th, 2019 at 13:34 | no comment | ]

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