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Monday, March 14th, 2016

Green Lantern

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



The Green Lanterns are a galactic society of super heroes for whom the will is the source of their power, allowing them to create anything they can imagine as long as their will can support it. After the escape of Parallax, an ex-Green Lantern who became evil trying to tame te power of fear, Hal Jordan, a fighter pilot, is chosen as the successor of Green Lanten Abin Sur, who died on Earth escaping from Parallax. The Green Lanterns have a plan to use the power of fear to fight Parallax, at the cost of destroying Earth that it is currently approaching. Despite having said he would quit the organization because he is feeling inadequate, Jordan convinces the other Green Lanterns to let him fight Parallax whom he succesfully baits into getting too close to the Sun and getting sucked into it. Jordan thus gains confidence in himself and truly becomes a Green Lantern.

[ Posted on March 14th, 2016 at 22:19 | no comment | ]

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