Microblog : A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7 jun à 22:52] [R]

Dimanche, 6 mai 2012


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



While scanning phone numbers in the hope of accessing a game company's server, David Lightman unknowingly connects to W.O.P.R., a computer that integrally and automatically controls the USA's response to a nuclear attack (this scheme was implemented after the military noticed that 20% of the personel affected to missile launching was unwilling to actually launch them). The computer lists games, from chess and backgammon to global thermonuclear war. One of the game's title hints that Stephen Falken had programmed the computer. Falken had disappeared mysteriously, and David, convinced there is a backdoor in the system, spends a week out of school trying to figure out the secret password, which happens to be “joshua”, Falken's dead son. David then asks the computer to play global thermonuclear war, without noticing that he started a simulation that made the militray at NORAD believe that USSR was actually attacking. The military manage to understand that no such attack is actually happening, but the computer continues its simulation, and through a TV broadcast, David discovers what he has done. He is arrested by the FBI and brought to NORAD, where he discovers that Falken is still alive and lives under a false identity. David escapes NORAD with a group of tourists, and with the help of his friend Jennifer, visits Falken. The latter refuses to help them at first, but eventually goes with them back to NORAD. There the military have lost control of the situation and truly belive the soviets have launched their missiles. David then makes Joshua play tic-tac-toe agains itself, and the computer then notices that there are games that cannot be won. It then plays all possible scenarios of thermonuclear war and learns that the same applies to that game. The computer relinquishes control of the missiles just in time.

[ Posté le 6 mai 2012 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

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