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Vendredi, 15 octobre 2010

Tapping the Admiral – Battle of Trafalgar

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Shepherd Neame ]


“When Nelson was killed at Trafalgar, his body was preserved in a cask of brandy during the long trip back to England. Legend has it that thirsty sailors snuck drinks from the brandy cask carrying Nelson's corpse. This gave rise to the phrase fo illicit drinking: Tapping the Admiral. Smell: toffee, spicy, roast; Taste: brandy, sweet, rich”

Strong hoppy smell, quite bitter, but less than other beers from the same brewery. Contains barley malt.

Shepherd Neame, Faversham, Kent, England. 4.0% alcohol.

[ Posté le 15 octobre 2010 à 21:26 | pas de commentaire | ]

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