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Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

Dice Tower Pieces

Categories: [ DIY | Games ]


Thanks to Reijo and Antti, I managed to get all the pieces for my dice tower cut out of wood. After sanding, glueing and again sanding, its core should be ready. Then I'll just need to add a cover and a tray. The assembly is not trivial, because the side angles of the pieces are not exactly 90°, Antti's plane is a bit crooked since he dropped it :(

Below are pictures of the pieces put together as they need to be glued later.

Dice_Tower_together_1 Dice_Tower_together_2 Dice_Tower_together_3 Dice_Tower_together_4 Dice_Tower_together_5

[ Posted on August 27th, 2008 at 23:54 | no comment | ]

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