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Jeudi, 2 novembre 2006

The Wotch

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Webcomics ]


© Anne Onymous & Robin Ericson

A webcomic made by Anne Onymous and Robin Ericson and published at www.thewotch.com. Anne just arrived at Tandy's High School. Robyn and his friend Jason soon notice that she has magical powers. Anne is more than a witch, she's the Wotch, the most powerful witch in the world. Except that she's just beginning with all that magic stuff. With the help from Robyn and Jason, they are going to fight super-villains Anne made come out of their comics, demons, djinns, a bunch a feminist who want to get rid of all men, be turned into werecats and other magical creatures… One recurring trick of Anne's is to turn boys into girls (and Jason loves becoming Sonja, even if he won't admit it).

[ Posté le 2 novembre 2006 à 23:18 | pas de commentaire | ]

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