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Friday, May 28th, 2010

Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit

Categories: [ Books/Wodehouse ]

ISBN: 9780091753405

© Amazon.fr

Published in 1954.

Aunt Dahlia wants Bertie to come and keep her company at Brinkley Court, where she had invited Mr and Mrs Trotter and Mrs Trotter's son Percy Gorringe, a poet. Florence Craye and her very jealous fiance G. D'arcy “Stilton” Cheesewright are staying there too. Aunt Dahlia plans to sell her magazine, Milday's Boudoir to Mr Trotter, and she has hired the very famouse writer Daphne Dolores Morehead to make the magazine look more valuable. But since her husband Tom won't to pay for it, she has pawned her pearl necklace. At some point, Florence breaks up with Stilton and gets engaged to Bertie. Moreover, Percy, who plans to adapt Florence's novel Spindrift as a play, is madly in love with her. When Tom announces he has invited Roderick Spode, now known as Lord Sidcup and an expert in jewellery, she asks Bertie to steal the necklace before Sidcup can identify it as a copy. Bertie fails, and as a consequence the necklace ends up in the safe. When the safe remains open by accident, Dahlia takes her necklace, and a bit later Bertie, seeing the safe open, steals the second necklace, belonging to Mrs Trotter, believing it is his aunts. Dahlia's problem is that Mr Trotter is completely under the control of his wife, and she wants Anatole, Dahlia's French cook. When Mrs Trotter discovers her necklace has been stolen, she threatens to call the police. Jeeves then returns the necklace he claims to have found somewhere, and reveals it's a copy. Mrs Trotter admits she pawned it because Percy needed money for the play. Mr Trotter gets angry and from there on takes control of his marriage. When Florence learns what Percy has done for her, she suddenly fells in love with him. Dahlia eventually manages to sell her magazine to Mr Trotter.

[ Posted on May 28th, 2010 at 21:15 | no comment | ]

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