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Talk Like a Pirate Day

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

The Inimitable Jeeves

Categories: [ Books/Wodehouse ]

ISBN: 9780091739874

© Amazon.fr

Published in 1923.

Bingo Little is once again in love, this time with a simple waitress. In order for his uncle to accept her, Jeeves suggests to read him stories by Rosie M. Banks which are full of such situations. To make it even more convincing, Bingo tells his uncle that Wooster is in really Rosie M. Banks. Eventually, the uncle marries his cook.

Aunt Agatha orders Bertie to join her in France, where she introduces him to a priest and his sister, whom she thinks will be a perfect wife for Wooster. The priest and the sister happen to be a pair of con artists who steal Agatha's pearls. Thankfully, Jeeves recognizes them and manages to recover the pearls.

Bingo is in love again, this time with Honoria Glossop. In order to attract her attention, he asks Wooster to take part in a scheme where Bertie would throw Honoria's insufferable little brother in the river and he would rescue him. But Bingo doesn't show up since he just fell in love with Honoria's friend, Bertie jumps into the water to save the boy, and Honoria, thinking he did this to impress her decides they are now engaged. Agatha is all for the union, but Honoria and her hate Jeeves. The latter uses the presence of Claude and Eustace, Bertie's cousins, to make Wooster look like a fool during a lunch with Honoria's father. Jeeves and Wooster flee to New York for a time.

In New York, Bertie meets Cyril Bassington-Bassington, sent by Aunt Agatha. He's supposed to stay away from theatrical circles, but he got hired for a play before Bertie could be told. Jeeves then gets Cyril kicked out of the play.

Bingo is in love again, this time with a communist girl, for whom he pretends to be communist too. Jeeves manages to make him look like a fraud, at the cost of a split between Bingo and his uncle (who pays him an allowance).

Bingo having no revenue anymore works in a village as a tutor. Claude and Eustace happen to be there too, and organise bets on which priest in the neigbouring villages will make the longest sermon. But they are thwarted by one other pupil there. Also, Bingo is once again in love, and once again he fails to catch the girl's heart. Next, Bingo and Wooster are betting on the outcome of races during the village's fair, but are thwarted again by the same man. Bingo, yet another girl, etc. Finally, yet another girl, Bingo organises the village's Christmas play to impress her. The representation is a failure becaue of the same person again, and because of bets on wheter Bingo would get the girl or not.

Claude and Eustace stay for the night at Bertie's before leaving to South Africa. During the night out, they meet a girl and refuse to leave. Jeeves finally makes them believe the girl is going to South Africa soon.

Finally, Bingo is on love again, but manages to marry the girl in a hurry. Wooster is sent to announce this to the uncle and restore the allowance. But the girl happens to be Rosie M. Banks, and the uncle calls here a liar. Eventually Jeeves solves the problem by telling them that Wooster is a complete looney.

[ Posted on November 10th, 2009 at 13:06 | no comment | ]

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