Microblog : A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7 jun à 22:52] [R]

Dimanche, 14 août 2022

Sherlock Jr.

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Buster Keaton ]



Buster is a cinema projectionist and wannabe detective. After giving a box of chocolates to his sweetheart, he is framed by the “local sheik” who had stolen the girl's father's pocket watch and pawned it in order to buy a larger box of chocolates. Buster, being found with the pawnshop's slip in his pocket is banished from the girl's home. He later falls asleep during a projection and dreams he walks into the film through the screen. He then dreams himself as a detective, Sherlock Jr., investigating the theft of a pearl necklace. The thief and the butler attempt to kill Sherlock with poison, traps and an exploding 13 pool ball. When all attempts fail, they escape and are tracked down by Sherlock to a warehouse, where he saves the girl (who had been kidnapped) and recovers the necklace with the help of his assistant. When Buster wakes up, the girl tells him that she had found out the identity of the real thief (by asking the pawnbroker to describe the man who brought the watch), and he finally kisses her.

[ Posté le 14 août 2022 à 15:55 | pas de commentaire | ]

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