Microblog : A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7 jun à 22:52] [R]

Mercredi, 23 août 2006


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Hitchcock ]

Spoiler: do not read if you don't want to know!


© IMDB.com

Marnie makes her living by getting hired as a secretary in places dealing with money. She then steals the money and disapears, changing her identity and her city of residence. One day her scheme is discovered by the boss of the firm where she works, who gives her the choice to be sent to jail or to marry him. She goes for the latter, but the husband discovers that his wife has psychological troubles (fear of thunderstorms, of red color, of being touched by men, recuring nightmares). He wants to help her, and gets information on her past. He then drives her to her mother's place to face the truth about the trauma she had lived during her childhood: her mother was a prostitute, and one night of thunderstorm Marnie was being abused by a client. Her mother tries to protect her, hits the client with a poker, and gets injured in the process. In order to help her, Marnie kills the client who ends up in a pool of blood. Due to the shock, she kept no memory of the event, and her mother raised her to despise men.

[ Posté le 23 août 2006 à 01:03 | pas de commentaire | ]

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