Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Secret Agent

Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Hitchcock ]



1916. The death of a British officer is faked. The man is then sent to Switzerland, as Richard Ashenden, along with “the General”, a professional assasssin, to kill a German spy. Elsa Carrington, also a British agent, poses as Ashenden's wife. Before Ashenden's arrival, Elsa is already being seduced by Robert Marvin, but nothing happens. Ashenden's first contact is found strangled, and a clue leads to a man named Caypor, whom the General murders during a hike in the mountains. When they learned from their superior that he's the wrong man, Ashenden and Elsa want to resign. But the General accidentally discovers that a chocolate factory is used as a secret post office for German spies. During their visit of the factory, they barely escape the Swiss police, but learn that the spy is actually Marvin. Elsa however, is disappointed by Ashenden's sudden renewed interest in the mission. She decides to leave Marvin to Greece. Ashenden and the General rejoin Elsa at the train station and find out that Marvin is actually leaving to Constantinople. They board the same train, which soon enters Germany. A confrontation takes place in Marvin's compartment while British airplanes attack the train. Elsa doesn't want the General to kill Marvin and interposes hersel just as a bomb derails the train. Marvin and the General get killed, but Ashden and Elsa survive and finally quit the Intelligence Service.

[ Posted on September 14th, 2010 at 23:17 | no comment | ]

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