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Samedi, 29 février 2020

To Catch a Thief

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Hitchcock ]



John Robbie, a former jewel thief, is suspected of being active again on the French Riviera. Chased by the police, he first visits Bertani, a former accomplice who now owns a restaurant and employs all of John's former gang. The gang is afraid John will have them arrested again, but Bertani helps John escape. John then meets the representative of the company that insures many jewels owned by people currently present in the area and enter with him into an agreement to catch the actual thief, in order to prove his innocence. Posing as a rich American, he befriends the Stevens, the mother Jessie and her daughter Frances. Frances is convinced that John is the actual thief and wants to participate in his next robbery. Based on the list of insured jewels, John stakes out the location of the most probable next robbery but is almost killed by an accomplice of the real thief. The accomplice dies accidentally and is presented by the press as the actual thief; he actually is one of John's former accomplices. John and the Stevens then prepare a trap for the thief during a masked ball. The thief is finally caught, she is the daughter of the former accomplice, working under orders from Bertani.

[ Posté le 29 février 2020 à 11:11 | pas de commentaire | ]

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