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Talk Like a Pirate Day

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Men in Black 3

Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Men in Black ]



Boris the Animal escapes from his prison on the Moon, and vows to get revenge on K who shot his arm during the confrontation in 1969 that lead to the criminal' arrest. To that end, Boris acquires a time-travel device and jumps back to 1969 to kill K and prevent his arrestation. At the same time, J discovers that the world has changed around him, as K has disappeared, and nobody seems to know him, except a few people who remember him from before his death in 1969. J then acquires the same kind of time-travel device and jumps back a day before Boris is presumed to arrive. There he is arrested by the young K, who partially believes J's story of time travel. As J knows Boris' victims in the few days before the death of K, they meet Griffin, an alien able to see all possible futures who is in possesion of the ArcNet, a device deployed by K in J's original reality's 1969, that prevented Boris' species from invading Earth forty years later (as is happening in the alternate reality). Boris attempts to kill Griffin and steal the ArcNet, but fails thanks to J and young K; Griffin gives young K the ArcNet and tells him to place it at the top of the Apollo mission rocket's that is due to take off a few hours later. J and young K fly to Cape Canaveral with giant jetpacks and manage to convice the security officer in charge of the security that their mission is not sabotage. Young K confronts young Boris on top of the lauch tower, while J faces old Boris and manages to trow him down the tower. In the end young K succeeds in putting the ArcNet onto the rocket and it gets deployed as the rocket leaves the atmosphere. On the ground, young Boris reappears and kills the security officer, before being killed by young K. K discovers that the man had a young son, who turns out to be J as a child. Old J witnesses young K erasing his memory, but leaving him with the idea that his dad was a hero. J then travels back to his own reality, and finally knows grumpy old K's secret.

[ Posted on June 8th, 2020 at 19:14 | no comment | ]

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