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Lundi, 1er mai 2023

Men in Black International

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Men in Black ]



When she was a child, Molly witnessed the Men in Black neuralyze her parents and becomes obsessed with the organization. Twenty years later, she finally manages to locate their headquarters, crashes in and eventually get hired as M. She is then sent to the London branch on MiB where she meets super-star agent H and the head of the office, High T, who had in the past repelled together an invasion by the Hive through a wormhole at the Eiffel Tower. M manages to convince H to let her accompany him on a mission to protect an alien diplomat. The diplomat is however killed by twin killers from the Hive, but in his last breath gives M a crystal and tells her that MiB may be compromised and that H is not anymore himself. Suspicious of everyone, M keeps silent. Despite being assigned desk duties, H convinces M to accompany him to Marrakesh to follow a lead on the poison that was used on the diplomat. They must however flee MiB agents who suspect M is the traitor after having recovered a video of M receiving the crystal. They then find out that the crystal transforms into a portable weapon able to destroy a whole planet, just before it is stolen from them. H reasons that it will be sold to Riza, weapons dealer and H's former lover. They infiltrate Riza's island in Sicily. They manage to recover the weapon and escape, but are attacked by the twins, and saved in the nick of time by High T and MiB agents. But H realizes that the twins wanted the weapon to use against the Hive, and soon finds out that High T is under the control of the Hive. H and M follow him to the Eiffel Tower, where they learn that High T had been assimilated into the Hive and H had been neuralized. M and H eventually manage to use the weapon through the wormhole to destroy the Hive.

[ Posté le 1er mai 2023 à 12:14 | pas de commentaire | ]

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