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Jeudi, 9 juin 2011

An Ideal Husband

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



London, 1895. Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful undersecretary of the Foreign Office, and his marriage is one of the few truly happy ones in the political class. Laura Chevely starts blackmailing Chiltern, threatening to reveal that he had become wealthy after delivering inside information to her former husband (who thenbecame immensly whealthy), in exchange for his recommendation at the Parliament to support of a financial scheme in Argentina where she had invested a lot of money. To motivate him, Laura Chevely reveals Chiltern's secret to his rigorously honnest wife, Lady Gertrude, before Chiltern has resolved to do it himself. Chiltern then visits his friend, the idle Lord Arthur Goring, for advice. But Lady Gertrude had sent a letter to the same Lord Goring for the same reason. Laura Cheveley then pays a visit to Lord Goring, but she is mistaken for Lady Gertrude by the butler, who was told to expected “a lady”. Laura Cheveley, seeing the letter from Lady Gertrude, uses the opportunity to steals yet another embarassing document. When Sir Robert discovers the presence of Laura Cheveley, he leaves the house in rage. The same evening, Lord Robert delivers his speech to the parliament, and his wife, accompanied by her sister in law Mabel, hears him speak against the Argentinan scheme. Laura Cheveley then sends to Sir Robert the letter Lady Gertrude had written to Lord Goring. When Sir Robert discovers the letter, Lady Gertrude is forced to lie to preserve her marriage. Soon after, Lord Goring proposes to Mabel. Sir Robert refuses, because of Lord Goring apparent involvement with Laura Cheveley. But Lady Gertrude then tells the truth about the letter and explains Laura Cheveley's presence in Lord Goring's home that evening. Sir Robert then accepts and all is well that ends well.

[ Posté le 9 juin 2011 à 23:34 | pas de commentaire | ]

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