Microblog : A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7 jun à 22:52] [R]

Mardi, 4 février 2020


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Lightning McQueen is a racing car with an overinflated ego. After its last race ended in a draw between three participants, a special race has been planned in California, and Lightning rushes there in its transport truck. An incident on the interstate causes it to get lost in a small town called Radiator Spring. After having accidentally destroyed the asphalt of the main street, Lightning is condemned by Doc, the local magistrate, to repair the road. At first the car is in a hurry to finish the job, but eventually gets to know the town's inhabitants and becomes fond of them. The town was flourishing on Road 66 until the interstate was built, at which point it became deserted. Lightning also discovers that Doc is a former racetrack legend who got forgotten after an accident. Eventually, Lightning's team catches up with the disappeared car and takes it to California for the race. The inhabitants of Radiator Springs join it there and become its pit crew. Lightning is about to win the race but decides to forfeit to come to the help of the oldest of the three contestants who has been thrown off the road by the other one. The latter car wins the race but the audience is more interested in Lightning's humane action.

[ Posté le 4 février 2020 à 22:51 | pas de commentaire | ]

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