Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Monday, January 21st, 2008


Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]


© Wikipedia

Dennis Cooper is a cooper's apprentice who, after being disowned by his dying father, seeks a new trade in the city. Since the kingdom is threatened by a terrible monster, the king organises a tournament to find a champion who will go and kill the monster. After many misfortunes, Dennis ends up as the knight's squire and goes with hime after the beast. The knight is killed by another knight, sent in secret by the burgers of the city who considerer the monster as a asset to their business, but the second knight is in turn killed by the monster, and the latter is then killed by Cooper and by accident. Cooper gets half of the kingdom and the princess as his wife, although he'd wanted to marry a peasant girl who didn't even like him.

[ Posted on January 21st, 2008 at 23:17 | no comment | ]

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