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Samedi, 8 octobre 2022

Shall We Dance

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Peter P. Peters is an American ballet dancer know as Petrov who practice modern jazz dancing for fun, despite the opposition of his employer, Baird. Peter falls in love with a picture of Linda Keene, a famous tap dancer who is tired of being courted by all the men she works with. After a first rebuttal, Peter overhears Linda saying she will go back to New York and arranges to board the same ocean liner with his ballet troupe. Linda warms up to Peter, but a rumor starts saying that they are perhaps married. Baird and Linda's impresario Miller create a publicity stunt taking pictures of Peter, asleep in bed with a realistic looking dummy of Linda lying next to him. Outraged, Linda decides to get maried with Jim Montgommery. Peter and Linda happen to lodge at the same hotel, causing more quid pro quo. To squelch the rumor, Linda decides they must get a divorce, for which they first need to get married, overnight in New Jersey. Linda then begins to fall in love with Peter, but then discovers him with another woman, Denise, and leaves before he can explain that Denise is actually chasing him. Peter and his ballet then organize a show where all the other dancers wear masks with Linda's face, explaining that if he cannot dance with her, he would dance with the image of her. Linda sees the show and realizes Peter truly loves her and joins him on stage.

[ Posté le 8 octobre 2022 à 18:14 | pas de commentaire | ]

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